Kaye Elling

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Kaye Elling


Short, round, tattooed academic with a game dev past. Likes metal, dogs, TTRPGs and laments the recent loss of cake in her life. She/her. Occasionally draws things.
New dice have arrived. 😍
First listen of a Heilung album I bought on a whim. I can see the appeal but Dash is *not impressed*. He's grumbling in his basket, LOL.
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Have we done this one yet
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7am: I must do better at this weight loss thing, I will only take 3 apples to work today for snacking. 11am with 2 more hours to go before lunch: I have made a terrible mistake.
Reposted byAvatar Kaye Elling
the general vibe at the moment
Last saved selfie is you on the outside, last saved meme is you on the inside.
Last saved selfie in you on the outside, last saved meme is you on the inside. ♥ ♥ ♥
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A little scenic photoshoot for this long-legged lovely! #WarhammerCommunity #Nerdlings #Necrons #JHBackdrops
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Reminder: If #England get beaten, so will she. #DomesticViolence increases by 26% when #England win or draw and 38% if they lose. If you are in immediate danger, call 999 and press 55 on the keypad. Women- Refuge on 0808 2000 247 Men- Respect Men 0808 8010327
It's taken about 24 hours of faffing and about £20 in digital downloads, but I've finally taken back control of my musical listening habits from iTunes and Spotify with MediaMonkey. Now I've got a variety of playlists on my phone that I can play in the car without eating data.
I'm not surprised by today's news. America has a long history of trying (and occasionally succeeding) to murder its own presidents. Although usually it happens while they are in office.
Saturday night. Ripping CDs like it's 2005.
It's Dash's 11th birthday today! Can't believe I almost missed it. He's had a good day though, with ham at breakfast, bacon at lunch, a nap on the bed with me, a dance about with his cockapoo friend Ava, some great sniffs on his walk, and several Bonio treats.
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Listen it’s perfectly simple. Dysphoria is an agonising state of constant anguish whereas dysmorphia is when you can’t stop thinking about this guy
I'd much rather have the weather like this than have it be 40C like 2 years ago. But still, no wonder I'm feeling blue today.
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Did I mention already that my commemorative general election pencils have arrived? @dccjudgejoolz.bsky.social
Skircle.me 's interaction circles for me this week:
Day off tomorrow. I should do something other than just chores and watch telly. But what? **stares into void**
Get to know your mutuals. Ten things I am into: Art & Design Weird crafts TTRPGs Strategy games Sci-fi anything Dogs Metal Feminism Socialism Psychology
Get to know your mutuals. Ten things I am into: Growing beans. TTRPGs. Lego. Medieval literature. Comic book art. Classical ballet. Pub quizzes. The films of John Ford. Kate Bush. Shepherd’s pie.
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Ok some nerd did the math
I fucked myself up trying to figure out the caloric needs of a dragon, a beast quite a bit larger than a tiger that also has to have stamina for cross-country flight and support an ignition process as well as create whatever fuel source it uses
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Techy media files, what's this part of the boom called? Mine has just snapped inside and the nut won't tighten any more* Hoping to buy a new part, not a whole new boom arm. * Fnarr fnarr
Reposted byAvatar Kaye Elling
what a total mood this bit from tng still is, decades later.
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Lord Ashcroft's most recent poll. Interesting convergence between voters' views, regardless of party affiliation, on the internet; significant divergences elsewhere. Reform really is an outlier.
Another excellent game of #Dragonbane tonight, where we somehow survived our rogue halfling playing a right racket on an eldritch organ*. With @fenrisgames.com @perbroden.bsky.social @hastati100.bsky.social @thermalsatsuma.bsky.social *fnarr fnarr Meanwhile, I drew an icky tentacly undead thing.
Had two highly effective hours at work today. Not sure about the rest of it, as I'm tired and cranky from a poor night's sleep and some epic nightmares, and seemed to be thinking in circles. Very much looking forward to Dragonbane tonight though. Hope the brain becomes more effective.
One of my students introduced me to this charming animated short, which is apparently one of the top results if you google "Be gay, do crime" 😂 Love this so much! The characterisation, the pacing and editing, the colour palette, the soundtrack are all 😙👌. www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqz0...
Bang Bang! Short Animated Filmwww.youtube.com YouTube video by Jackie Droujko
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Daily bunny no.2542 is out on a calm empty sea