
Low vaccine uptake is, on a long enough timeline, a self-correcting problem (ominously)
Measles is normally the first indicator, it really springs containment pretty early, mutates a lot, really makes a problem for itself, but pertussis kills babies and when the babies start to go people really snap to attention
People have forgotten how incredibly horrible childhood mortality is which is one of if not the greatest achievement of modern science. That parents are so brainfucked as to even consider not vaccinating their children is purest madness.
My hot take is that Andrew Wakefield should be hanged by the neck until dead.
My most illiberal stance is that childhood vaccination should be mandatory no exceptions.
Like we don’t let people have “religious exemptions” from running red lights!
also, all the major denominations support most vaccinations. these people are lying
The Catholic Church, famously chill institution, suspended the necessity of Mass for the duration of the pandemic
there was a bishop in Kazakhstan or whatever who was the one guy officially saying COVID vaccines were illicit and a few of American Catholic antivaxxers ignored their own Bishop (not how it works. your Bishop is your Bishop for better or worse)
Funniest thing was someone called asking for a religious exemption from vaccination for work. I asked for their reason, they said they didn't want to put something in their body that they didn't know what was in it. I said oh, so you know what's in everything you put in your body?
I said at any rate, that's not a religious reason and I can't help you with this. I'm glad I asked for their reason instead of presuming what I thought it might be
a lot of people said "I'm religious and I don't want to". Actually there was someone on Twitter whose whole shtick was "it's illicit to require things that go against a person's conscience" with a total free float on the question of why it was a violation of their conscience.
This is not how societies work!
I've got bad news for you
Sometimes society asks you to do something that does actually violate your conscience for reasons that you are able to clearly articulate. However, there's also a long tradition of demonstrating the righteousness of your cause by submitting to the punishment for disobedience.
There was, unfortunately, never going to be consequences for being unvaccinated qua being unvaccinated in the US. There certainly was never going to be nonviolent civil disobedience on the part of antivaxxers.
[when someone references CCC 1782 regarding eg. supporting sterilization where pregnancy is a serious danger] it’s about a ~WeLL ForMed~ conscience aka only if you agree with the church [when someone wants to ignore the pope saying there’s a moral obligation to be vaxxed] CCC 1782 says…
I always assume people would go for the vaccine being remote material cooperation in abortion, because of the germ line used in testing. My response to that is, it's super remote, and you better not take Tylenol then
There was never really any substance to any of the objections. And I actually tried to hear a few people out.
The one I could sympathize with was there was some concern about the effect on fertility of one of the vaccines, I forget which. But that was a concern early on about one in particular that needed more testing
There's actually a placental protein that we appropriated from a virus at some point before mammals evolved and there was some concern that it would have enough similarity with the spike protein that the vaccination would cause fertility problems.
This is what the bishop of Spokane said was a reason to exempt yourself. You have a religious belief in freedom of conscience therefore you can exempt yourself. He told priests not to sign letters but then he signed one for the WSU football coach. lol.