
Low vaccine uptake is, on a long enough timeline, a self-correcting problem (ominously)
Measles is normally the first indicator, it really springs containment pretty early, mutates a lot, really makes a problem for itself, but pertussis kills babies and when the babies start to go people really snap to attention
People have forgotten how incredibly horrible childhood mortality is which is one of if not the greatest achievement of modern science. That parents are so brainfucked as to even consider not vaccinating their children is purest madness.
My hot take is that Andrew Wakefield should be hanged by the neck until dead.
My most illiberal stance is that childhood vaccination should be mandatory no exceptions.
Like we don’t let people have “religious exemptions” from running red lights!
also, all the major denominations support most vaccinations. these people are lying
The Catholic Church, famously chill institution, suspended the necessity of Mass for the duration of the pandemic
I remember when this was starting to become really controversial (2021?) and other nurses were arguing "well, would you really forcibly vaccinate someone?" and: yes. absolutely yes I would
My proposal was 'Vaccine or the sea' because it was simple. You understood it right away. You could get the vaccine, or you could take to the sea.
I mean I am a liberal! I believe in bodily autonomy! But I also believe that we live in a society and have positive obligations to our fellows!
I'm old enough to remember being lined up in the elementary school cafeteria to get vaccinated with that scary gun. It was pretty mandatory ...
Don’t give them any ideas!
“If you don’t want me to crash into you, then just stay home.”
I have a strongly held belief that the bank was storing money that rightfully belonged to me.
I feel like major insurance carriers could easily put a stop to this….dont want to get vaccinated? Fine, you’re not covered. At all.
they don't want to deal with the subsequent death threats and bombings. yes, those psychos will do that. they absolutely will.
That seems the likeliest way this happens (bleak)
Hundreds of thousands of dead children because he was seeking clout. A strong candidate for worst person alive.
the hbomberguy video on this topic is quite enlightening, if you are lazy like me. His “research” was not just sloppy, but malicious he tortured/endangered a bunch of nonverbal kids with adult-sized colonoscopies and then faked the results of those tests when they didn’t show what he wanted
Yeah. A lot of people forget that he published his study linking one specific brand of MMR vaccines to autism when he had a financial stake in a competitor.
Until nearly dead. Then drawn and quartered.
My hot take is that that's too good for him.
I disagree with the "Until dead" part. Leave him up as an example, until he falls down on his own
I think we really need to get medieval about it. Bring back the shit from the 1500s Tear him apart with white hot tongs and pull out his intestines and show them to him that sort of thing. Put his remains in a cage and hang it up on a public building somewhere as an example
it's practically a cliché but any walk through a sufficiently old cemetery may shock anyone who's not expecting the number of small headstones for infants and small children
have you read Sapiens? He basically points out that in the middle ages the king would have to have like 8 kids to produce 1 heir that lived into adulthood AND THEY WERE KINGS
Queen Anne famously had 17 children and left no heir to the throne
I have friends who had babies and would not let friends/relatives visit them unless they showed proof of pertussis booster. (And I got one before I first saw my new niece 11 years ago)
I worked for a vaccine nonprofit years and years ago and they had this little book that was just elderly people and babies who died of pertussis given to them by unvaccinated family members, who were in that time often unawares they were unvaccinated
my uncle either was born before the vaccine (I think? He's in his early 70s now) or his wore off, he got pertussis, was sick for like six months. Not in-the-hospital sick, but sick enough to be draggy and miserable
Pertussis can break through too. My vaccinated kid brought it home from summer camp and it was a miserable experience.
hopefully with the vaccine a breakthrough case would be not as severe, though?
For sure, thankfully, but coughing so bad it causes you to throw up all the time is really not awesome.
I had a classmate in college with pertussis. The coughs were so over the top I thought she was exaggerating them until I got the exposure notice from the school.
My step-MIL refused to get the TDAP in order to visit and meet our baby. We were like ok, your loss
Read an article about a recent measles outbreak and the experts that reconstructed how it spread determined that someone was infected because they walked through the same hallway three days after a contagious person
I’m not sure that’s true anymore. The parents who see their beloved baby die because they refused to vaccinate will have a vested interest in believing the grifters and conspiracy theorists telling them that the baby really died because of something else, that the medical community is lying.