Kami Bee

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Kami Bee


👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 I make stories. I also like robots, retro technology, plants, music, and various crafts.
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Lovely-chan, a jersey cow who walks on two legs, is a mascot from Hiruzen Jersey Land, a scenic farm in Okayama Prefecture.
I used to find it a bit goofy that romance/erotica so blatantly label their tropes/kinks these days, but I've come to realise that for some readers actually flashing lights and klaxons are also necessary. Also that book sounds highly entertaining I may have to read, fetishes and all.
Hearing about this show is really testing my desire to not pay for Prime and just hold out for my next free trial month.
Day 3 of I Broke My 3D Printer And Now Fixing It Is My Problem: still broken, but I jammed the (supplied) acupuncture needle up the hotend and I can feel where the blockage is. Starting to get unsettling childbirth flashbacks. #NOT3DPrinting 🤖
Wife is gleefully standing well back from a problem she doesn't have to fix for once, cracking jokes about using the acupuncture needle for relaxation instead and telling me this is what I get for using exotic filament WHICH I GUESS IS TRUE AND AS SOON AS I FIX THIS I'M DOING IT AGAIN. 🙃🤖
I have multiple times applied/interviewed for 'graduate' roles and had the fact that I was studying instead of working prior cited as an impediment to my being hired. 🤷
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love being a writer. love poring over a single sentence for hours just editing and replacing words until i end up with the exact same sentence i started with
I was so riled up that I broke my 3D printer yesterday I actually forgot that I'd also broken my website the same evening before bed and just... left it broken for hours and hours. Pity, it was a much easier fix than the printer which still has its guts hanging out judging me.
The best Mac. 🥰 I have a powerful urge to pull mine out of storage now and find somewhere to set her up. Back when I still used iTunes I used her as a music device... iPod eat your heart out. 🤭
Reposted byAvatar Kami Bee
gotta love how contemporary publishing is 30000000 beautiful, deeply felt, finely crafted books with 7.5 readers each whose authors are just barely making a living, and like 4 books that financially support the whole apparatus, each of which has comprehensively and unforgivably destroyed society
Reposted byAvatar Kami Bee
Keep thinking about how Stephen King played Mambo No 5 on repeat so much that his wife threatened to divorce him over it. That just feels so unbelievably relatable
I really like Ko-fi too as a direct support platform. They make it very easy for smaller creatives to start out receiving donations without claiming a huge cut.
Conda is my least favourite. If something I'm trying to get working goes in that direction I'm probably just gonna give up.
From when my son was first old enough to question I've tried to have a good reason for anything I ask him to do (although we talk about it after for safety reasons). It's amazing how many things don't stand up to that kind of scrutiny...
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Do not obey in advance.
Managed to get my weekly to-do list written up yesterday but it came at the cost of writing up a daily list. 😅 Trying to catch up on that this morning with lots of infusions of tea...
And libraries are vulnerable to external governing/lobbying forces trying to control what they distribute to who. Especially in the US it seems, but we've had a recent incident in Australia of a council trying to block a library from having a copy of a children's book featuring same-sex parents.
I don't consider myself a piracy advocate either, but I do cringe at the very optimistic notion that everyone will always be able to access perhaps very necessary information without falling afoul of the law. 🤷
I stashed this reading list in my tabs to look through later a few days ago and now I've gotten to it I'm kind of delighted to see that I've already tackled a few books on here, including my current read, Red Mars (#21). 😲https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/books/g39358054/best-sci-fi-books/
The 75 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Timewww.esquire.com See if your favorites made our expanded list.
I inherited Red Mars from my wife who only got a little way into it before deciding she hated it, 300 pages in I'm really enjoying the ride but I would only recommend it to a reader who doesn't mind a read they feel like side-eyeing every now and then. 🤭
Since I was bitching about The Big D earlier it would be remiss of me not to drop a link to my short story about the real baddies of the intellectual property world. It's free because it kind of has to be doesn't it. 🤭🐀 dl.bookfunnel.com/7h72sldulb
Download your copy of Hidden Mdl.bookfunnel.com In a future where the important things in life are much more carefully protected than they are now, Dane will risk it all on a shameful crime.
My son asked me about our random cables box the other day. I told him we don't usually have a use for the things in there any more, but when we do, we're really glad we held onto them!
You're right, I still really wish I could read them all though.
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Capitalism is not the exchange of goods and services for money. It is allowing the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the few, meaning that the labor of an individual makes money primarily for a person who sits on their ass.
This is so good and I wish a lot of creatives who feel embarrassed about wanting to make money from their work could internalise this definition too.
Serious talk on IP theft now: what keeps me up at night is not the thought of some random reader getting hold of one of my paid books without paying, but some huge company exploiting good-faith copyright arrangements to enrich themselves using my work.
I once intended to release my free fiction with no restrictions on even commercial use at all. I changed my mind when I realised the likes of Disney would be more than happy to take what I offered.
I think we should value copyright as something that protects us from the biggest most evil players and not sweat the incidental transgressions so much. And never forget that sometimes the big evil players will pretend to be on our side.
Well I think I finally understand why I've seen several people commenting on book piracy today. 🤭 My thoughts on it are the same as always: speaking as someone who (theoretically) tries to sell books, it's totally a waste of time and energy to worry about that sort of thing.
Mind you, at this stage I am the only person who distributes copies of my books for free. Yes, I've checked before. Yes, it's kind of a punch in the ego. Yes, I am in fact failing to follow my own advice and worrying about this for all of the wrong reasons. 🙃