Kamilah Taylor

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Kamilah Taylor


🇯🇲 Engineering Leader at Gusto
Board member /dev/color
iOS enthusiast
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Trekkie 🖖🏾
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a new life awaits you in the offline colonies
Reposted byAvatar Kamilah Taylor
I hope Janet Jackson is having a wonderful day.
Also I’ve been going so nonstop I’ve paid almost no attention to the wwdc announcements this week…gonna play some catch up on this flight 🤓
Very excited to be on my way to my first RenderATL! Please say hi if you see me around at the conference or events this week 🙌🏾 What am I not so excited about? The weather. Atlanta gonna atlanta I guess 🫠🫠
oh man, all of the episodes of season 5 of discovery have been fun so far, but this one is especially so, love a classic lets go back through different time periods of the ship star trek episode
that’s exactly what bums me out about this, besides what a delight lower decks is, it felt like there was still so much story to tell
Really bummed to see the official news that Lower Decks will end with Season 5. There were a lot more stories that we could have told in that world. Thankfully you still have season 5 to look forward too!
Reposted byAvatar Kamilah Taylor
had so much fun last night at the sf soundbox! the program was called “Press Play: Carol Reiley and the robots” and was all about robots and music and humans and ai - if you’re in sf, highly recommend catching the performance tonight, it’s only on this weekend!
what you have to know about me is i’m the person in the group chat that posts these pictures of michael burnham and asks “so these are fulani braids right?” #startrekdiscovery musings
I’ve had some folks say I’m sure hairdressers still exist, and I buy that if you’re living on a planet, but when Burnham ends up in the 32nd century they’re in a post burn society where warp travel is limited - so I feel like to maintain braids you need a “on any ship or space station” solution
a star trek discovery question I need answers to - where is burnham going to get her braids done in the 32nd century? like do hair salons still exist? are robots doing braids? can you go in a holodeck and have a hologram hair dresser do your braids?
a star trek discovery question I need answers to - where is burnham going to get her braids done in the 32nd century? like do hair salons still exist? are robots doing braids? can you go in a holodeck and have a hologram hair dresser do your braids?
I think episode 1 season 3 of discovery might actually be my favorite of the entire series, like it hits me in the feels and makes me laugh and has me thinking about the nature of hope and humanity
I think episode 1 season 3 of discovery might actually be my favorite of the entire series, like it hits me in the feels and makes me laugh and has me thinking about the nature of hope and humanity
Okay finished my season 2 rewatch of discovery and I truly enjoyed this season so much. It just makes so much sense for the arc of the show that this is where they’d go, and it still feels satisfying. One wish: more character development of supporting characters.
Okay finished my season 2 rewatch of discovery and I truly enjoyed this season so much. It just makes so much sense for the arc of the show that this is where they’d go, and it still feels satisfying. One wish: more character development of supporting characters.
I’m in my season 2 rewatch of discovery and the way I just cackled at saru in this scene - saru said they are OPPRESSORS 🤣✊🏾
the way my eyes roll back during all of the AI discourse because of exactly this, like I recently heard someone I respect start talking about things achieving consciousness and I need us to all take a deep breath and be reasonable
working in the area of math that led to this tech has been so fucking wild because there's just no way you can trick yourself into believing a lot of linear algebra is going to add up to consciousness unless you have been marinating in the bad brain juices for decades now
I’m in my season 2 rewatch of discovery and the way I just cackled at saru in this scene - saru said they are OPPRESSORS 🤣✊🏾
Finished my season 1 of discovery rewatch and really enjoyed it! Felt nostalgia for characters we hadn’t seen for a while, enjoyed all the mirror universe stuff, felt gutted by each betrayal, and noticed some foreshadowing I hadn’t noticed before. On to season 2 🖖🏾
Finished my season 1 of discovery rewatch and really enjoyed it! Felt nostalgia for characters we hadn’t seen for a while, enjoyed all the mirror universe stuff, felt gutted by each betrayal, and noticed some foreshadowing I hadn’t noticed before. On to season 2 🖖🏾
I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion…but Michael Burnham was right and Captain Georgiou was wrong and it’s crazy they locked up season 1 Michael for something they would have given captain kirk or picard a slap on the wrist for #startrekdiscovery
Reposted byAvatar Kamilah Taylor
This has officially made my week
today I multitasked being on a call with my eng team debugging something, and doing the “I’m getting on a flight” things around the house - AMA
using an image, show an episode of Star Trek you are sure you've seen more than ten times #StarTrek
using an image, show an episode of Star Trek you are sure you've seen more than ten times #StarTrek
I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion…but Michael Burnham was right and Captain Georgiou was wrong and it’s crazy they locked up season 1 Michael for something they would have given captain kirk or picard a slap on the wrist for #startrekdiscovery
In preparation for the final season of star trek discovery I started a rewatch, and so far I have to say this show seems somehow better on a rewatch? Like knowing where it’s going gives an extra layer of appreciation and makes it more clear what this show has always been about
just made an entire fsa eligible purchase at walgreens and somehow forma’s fsa card covered everything except for one penny
In preparation for the final season of star trek discovery I started a rewatch, and so far I have to say this show seems somehow better on a rewatch? Like knowing where it’s going gives an extra layer of appreciation and makes it more clear what this show has always been about
i’m in this video and i don’t like being called out this way www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL86eVRL/
TikTok - Make Your Daywww.tiktok.com
Reposted byAvatar Kamilah Taylor
assert that something is in the news by putting it there assert people are concerned bc they've heard about it demand comment from the administration on a story you made up do a poll to see if people are concerned about the thing you told them to be concerned about report on the poll
Only if you make it so, NYT, only if you make it so
had so much delicious food last night at o-toro sushi, one of my fave little spots in sf
finally caught up with the four doctor who specials from last year and they’re so fun!! gotta go back and watch some of the episodes I missed with the previous doctor but also I’m so damn excited for this new doctor
the way I gasped at the end of tonight’s episode of the gilded age