sharpest of cheeses

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sharpest of cheeses

Naps: comfy bridge to the future! Papaw Kammah lives by no rules. (she/her)
Pens woke up tonight screaming and, after she calmed down, we realized that she was upset her button had leaked. “I no like this,” she whispered, patting the button. The only reason I’m not crying myself to sleep tonight is because she’s now sleeping next to me.
Yesterday evening Justin and Pens saw a bunny hop out of the long grass in our yard where it lives and it stayed around long enough for me to come outside and watch Pens chat with it and introduce our family. “Bunny, this Mama, and Daddy, and Penny, and Gussy!” (Gussy is her lovey)
My son’s art teacher, Mrs. G, gave these last thoughts to them on their final day. Outstanding #teachers #teachersrock
I had a cat who grabbed the string of a slowly deflating balloon. This made the balloon bob a bit, which startled the cat, so she took off running - with string clamped tightly in her teeth. Now she's being chased. It took her at least five laps of the house to realize she could just... let go.
Xander, our elderly cat, loves snuggling up at night on the pillows I hug and it always makes me feel like next to me is the comfiest spot in town
Saw a D-day post where they clearly used AI because the troops are heading into the Atlantic.
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
My neighbor asked me to come hang out in the kiddy pool with her tomorrow while Penny sleeps and Y’ALL, I may CRY, this is the type of neighborly kinship the kind of relationship I always hoped would happen to me but never seemed to pan out
did you know this is the time of year that arctic foxes become little dandelion floofs
The reason we put away childish things as adults is because it makes it easier to find them next time we want to play.
there’s always a plaque with these artifacts about how “we don’t know why ancient people were so into making plates with cute fish on them” and like, does this really need a profound explanation beyond “humans like little guys”
mimc Mouth perfec t size for put baby mimic in to n\ap! inside very Soft and Comfort mimic baby sleep soundly put mimic baby in Mimic Mouth. Put Mimic Baby In Mimic Mouth. no problems ever in mimmic mouth because good Shape and Support for minic baby neck weak of big mimic baby head...
It’s D&D night! The party has entered an inn that turned out to be a giant mimic full of little baby mimics. PALADIN: I cast Command on the ceiling. GM: Ok, what’s the word? PALADIN: Infanticide. PARTY: 😨 PALADIN: What?! I want it to eat its babies! GM: …That’s dark.
I’m laid up in bed with back spasms and *slaps pillow* I NEED MORE BRIDGERTON
happy dracula going out in his lizard fashion day to you all
WAIT I’m reading a book and crushes in school were SUPPOSED TO be revealed to said crush through third parties (me) instead of sworn to secrecy and kept secret (by me)????????
Cinderella is petitioning the three city council members to stop having the train (pictured in background) scream CHOO CHOO at the top of its lungs whenever she’s asleep
I hope the person who first combined cheese and bread lived out the rest of their days on a throne of gold presented to them by the adoring public
i love picking my cat up and taking him over to points of interest he usually can’t reach and holding him there like i need him to sniff it and do recon on the area for me. you can tell it fills him with purpose
do you think tortoises are like "humans are wonderful pets but it's sad, they just don't live very long"