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Profile pic is from a t-shirt I bought decades ago in HMV.
Banner pic is the shopfront of a Kardomah cafe.

Art, Design, Ancient Near East, history, architecture, cultural history, photography, and random stuff
“The disquieting slash through the sitter’s neck, which the Fry family have so discerningly chosen to keep, tells such an important story.” German border guards would slash packing cases with their bayonets – checking for any escapers from Vienna. The oil painting was inside one of those cases.
Slashed painting owned by Stephen Fry’s mother tells chilling story of fleeing from Naziswww.theguardian.com 1920s canvas of Dutch woman, to be shown for first time at Holt festival, has slit from border guards’ bayonets
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2 years ago the Daily Mail used one of my tweets in an article about airport chaos. They asked me if they could use it but before I could tell them to fuck off, they used it anyway. They'd embedded my tweet as opposed to screenshotting it so I did what was required of me.
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“ In the largest public sector trial of the four-day week in Britain, fewer refuse collectors quit and there were faster planning decisions, more rapid benefits processing and quicker call answering, independent research has found.” #WorkLifeBalance www.theguardian.com/business/art...
Largest UK public sector trial of four-day week sees huge benefits, research findswww.theguardian.com Exclusive: South Cambridgeshire experiment led to fewer refuse collectors quitting and faster planning decisions
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Sergio Larraín From his series London, the City, 1958-9
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In June of 1926 the Hungarian-born American photographer Nickolas Muray visited Claude Monet at his home in Giverny. You can tell that he's a big fan!
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Oh goody, my overseas UK postal voting pack arrived today. "We must get your postal vote by 10pm on Thursday 04 July 2024". Postmarked 1 July 2024. The only time I've had mail fast enough for that to be feasible between Australia and the UK was with FedEx Priority.
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I feel the need to carve some Roman rustics. Quote from Cicero's "De finibus bonorum et malorum" (On the ends of good and evil) which gave us 'Lorem Ipsum', the printer's fill text, used since the 1500s. #loremipsum #cicero #rustics #roman #lettering
Look at that paw 😄
This is amazing. Video footage at the link. "In an unprecedented display of extended eagle parenting, the two white-tailed parents skipped this year's breeding season to continue to tend to their year-old offspring." Its wing was broken when the nest fell to the ground last year.
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The Thames Foreshore is an archaeological treasure trove spanning millennia of London’s history. Most people walking high up on the embankment have no idea of the wealth of ancient features below. Absolute privilege to see Saxon fish traps, Iron Age posts, prehistoric peat & old mooring features.
Great thread on the art & artists featured on the walls of the Overlook Hotel. Plenty of the Group of Seven! Can't believe I've never noticed.
The Shining is my favourite movies, and a movie I watch once a year or so. But did you know that The Overlook Hotel is absolutely FULL of Canadian art? Follow along as I take you on a tour of the haunted hotel, and the Canadian artistry inside! 👇🖼️ 🧵1/18
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This was written last week but in the end, I did take my son with me when I voted. He misunderstood the word "party" in my rushed explanation of who people vote for, and asked the poll workers if they had any snacks. He also declared who I voted for out loud to the entire room.
"It is exceedingly rare for a building under the age of 30 years old to be granted listed status" "Grade II reflects its national significance – a ‘Gesamtkunstwerk’ (or total artwork) of architecture, interior and landscape design." Sphinx Hill, Oxfordshire c20society.org.uk/news/thames-...
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This is the Basilica Cistern, built in the 6th century by Justinian I to provide constant water pressure to Constantinople's Great Palace and fountains district. Some of the supporting columns have a unique feature.
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Terribly saddened to learn of passing of Dorothy Lichtenstein, widow of artist Roy Lichtenstein. As a former member of the Lichtenstein Foundation board, I came to know her as an incredibly thoughtful, generous, and caring person. She will be missed (Andy Warhol, Dorothy Lichtenstein, 1974)
Have to say I'm really happy to see this - James Timpson (of shoe repair and key-cutting dynasty) has been given a role in the new govt. Known for founding a network linking prisons with employers to improve employment opportunities for ex-offenders upon release. It's an inspired appointment.
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She's one of my heroines. And Rathbone Place isn't even named after her, is it - the whole family were philanthropic, as I'm sure you know. It's just frustrating that typically at that time, despite being so actively involved the welfare movement, they were also involved in the cotton trade.
The Rathbones – Liverpool History Societyliverpoolhistorysociety.org.uk
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Ah, well... that explains the famous time-slips that have occurred in nearby Bold Street 😉 This one is the most well-known, but there are many. www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpo...
Arcane experiments to probe the very limits of the universe conducted in a crypt. Mysterious machines funded by a bankrupt postwar government as a critical priority. An entire cathedral then built atop the abandoned crypt. Quatermass? No, Liverpool. physicsworld.com/a/the-legacy...
The legacy of Liverpool’s forgotten synchrocyclotron – Physics Worldphysicsworld.com The University of Liverpool’s synchrocyclotron helped define physics in the 20th century, yet little trace of it remains. Rob Lea looks into the history of this lost machine
Bold Street 'timeslips' that 'transported people into the past'www.liverpoolecho.co.uk Over the years, a number of people claim to have 'slipped' into another time period
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My neighbor is riding around the neighborhood on a mower with an umbrella cockatoo in a flamenco dress on her arm
Mood for most of the last 8 years. Hoping for some respite on Friday morning.