


Just over from Twitter. Climate politics and economy (failing alternative to science & policy). Because climate policy is influenced by many aspects, interest in many other topics as well
"Come now, let us reason together."
Reposted by KarelHa
"Smart charging can help integrate more renewables, use existing grid infrastructure more efficiently to connect more grid users, and reduce system costs." Learn more on how to develop smart EV infrastructure in our new infographic. bit.ly/465XKhf
Out today! Our latest infographic looks at how public authorities can implement smart charging infrastructure. @jaapburger.eu has all the details👇.
How to develop smart EV charging infrastructure: A guide for public authoritiesbit.ly Smart charging can help integrate more renewables, use existing grid infrastructure more efficiently to connect more grid users, and reduce system costs. This infographic shows how.
Reposted by KarelHa
Reposted by KarelHa
Global investment in #renewable_energy and #energy_sustainability now exceeds investment in #fossil_fuels. If you are investing in fossil fuels, you are investing in stranded assets. 🧪🔌💡 Source: www.iea.org/reports/worl...
Reposted by KarelHa
“Project 2025 wants to take control of the DoJ & FBI; use the military for domestic law enforcement,….cancel climate change research, roll back environmental protections ,… limit contraception & abortion rights - all this so that Jesus can walk among us once again” open.substack.com/pub/mattcarr...
No Country for Old Menopen.substack.com America Slides off the Edge
Reposted by KarelHa
@nytimes: Floods are not unusual in South Asia, home to about one quarter of the world’s population. But in recent years, climate change has created more intense monsoon seasons in the region, displacing millions and gutting buildings, bridges and villages. https://t.co/oHdFjhxVNK
Reposted by KarelHa
Reposted by KarelHa
So proud of the student authors on this paper and honored to have worked with the Lenape Tribe and Principal Chief on thinking about what inclusive climate change adaptation means in settler colonial sites. Grateful to DESG for grant support to do this work! #geosky
New paper alert!! Congratulations to lead author @faisalfbi.bsky.social and lab alum James Bryan on tremendous work from start to finish!! doi.org/10.1016/j.po... "Climate coloniality and settler colonialism: Adaptation and indigenous futurities" now out in Political Geography!! #geosky #climate
Reposted by KarelHa
@MiddleEastEye: Rights and environmental groups have warned that climate change means that much of Iraq will likely be uninhabitable in the coming years and that demand for infrastructure investment to cope with rising temperatures will only increase https://t.co/CSxmZRbq0p
Reposted by KarelHa
Like fusion, space-based solar power sounds cool, but it “requires technical advances” - just a few, mind! We have cheaper and more importantly already deployable solutions to intermittency: let’s focus on those. https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/07/will-space-based-solar-power-ever-make-sense/
Reposted by KarelHa
Reposted by KarelHa
New paper out--what does inclusive climate change adaptation means in settler colonial sites? Drawing on the work of @farhana.bsky.social we consider climate coloniality, western centric climate change adaptation narratives, and the repatriation of indigenous knowledges. doi.org/10.1016/j.po...
Reposted by KarelHa
Astrophysicist Jocelyn Bell Burnell was born #OTD in 1943. As a Cambridge grad student in 1967, she discovered an entirely new type of celestial object: Pulsars! In 1974 the Nobel was given to her advisor; she was left off. 🧪 👩‍🔬 🔭 Photo: National Science & Media Museum
Reposted by KarelHa
US Republicans in a country with rampant gun violence - wears assault rifle pins, poses with assault rifles, gets money from NRA US Republicans when their violent rhetoric psycho leader’s ear is shot by a registered MAGA Republican white man (it’s always a white male shooter) - hysteria & threats
Reposted by KarelHa
This current discussion about whether or not the equalization measure would apply to "The Enterprise" highlights one of the weirdest components of the International Seabed Authority: the ISA will become its own mining contractor. ISA will be both a commercial miner and the regulator.
Reposted by KarelHa
Reposted by KarelHa
This is an example of #agriculture turning into a ^game" of chance and high #risk.
@DailySabah: Climate change-induced shrinking pastures in Düzce have led to a decline in buffalo numbers, impacting local farmers who rely on buffalo milk and yogurt production for livelihoods https://t.co/AmljWjaLPP
Reposted by KarelHa
“sustainability issues are increasingly important to the operations of the businesses we are invested in and they are structurally under researched” www.ft.com/content/21b4...
Silicon Valley buoys ESG fundswww.ft.com Also in today’s newsletter, the brewing tensions over a new EU green trade proposal
Als een koe niet "zogend" gehouden wordt, gaf ze geen melk. Maar hoeveel melk zou een #melkkoe geven op een menu van gras en hooi (zonder #krachtvoer)?
Reposted by KarelHa
I have a close friend who had no power for 3.5 days & his mom still has no power. So you should follow this closely even outside of HOU bc this is GOP's climate "strategy," so it could be coming to all of us soon. Unmitigated climate crisis & no responsibility for service providers to harden infra.
After a disastrous response to the category 1 storm, #Houston residents are left asking how the city could be so unprepared for a hurricane, and how much worse things could get. New today from Correspondent Dylan Baddour:
Hurricane Beryl Was a Warning Shot for Houstonwww.texasobserver.org The category 1 storm dealt the city disastrous damage. Houston’s first direct hit from a hurricane in decades showed how vulnerable the nation’s energy capital remains.
Reposted by KarelHa
Carbon Brief asked me what I think the incoming UK government’s top priority for meeting UK climate targets should be. This is what I told them. www.carbonbrief.org/experts-what...
Reposted by KarelHa
"But this is not to say that the best way to design a life preserver is in the form of a piano top. I think that we are clinging to a great many piano tops in accepting yesterday’s fortuitous contrivings as constituting the only means for solving a given problem."
Reposted by KarelHa
A snippet from my book Multisolving: Creating Systems Change in a Fractured World. And a snippet from my local news this morning. The patterns are clear. And I hate that they are.
Reposted by KarelHa
Everyone talks about how much we have to learn from the young—we need their fresh ideas and energy. But if you really want to disrupt the status quo, find the radical elders and learn from them. Throw out the colonial idea that old people are disposable. We need their wisdom.
Reposted by KarelHa
Seen on today's tour of the #RoyalSociety, the chater book with the signatures of Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and @uofpenn.bsky.social's founder Benjamin Franklin. Humbled to be signing this tomorrow...
Reposted by KarelHa
The reason we are failing to deal with the Climate crisis is the same reasons we are failing at traffic congestion, road deaths, housing, and cost of living. Profit motivated and funded influence of culture and policy.
Reposted by KarelHa
And there isn't a certain point where you will know it's "over". There won't be a point where people who care about other humans and other species will get to stop trying because it's over.
Reposted by KarelHa
I really hate the 'game over for the climate phrase'. IT IS NOT A GAME.
Reposted by KarelHa
Thomas Paine, a founding father, proposed a universal cash payment for everyone turning 21 back in the 18th century. Around that same time, Thomas Spence was the first to propose what we now know as universal basic income. UBI isn't new; it's just overdue.
Reposted by KarelHa
Stories like this are why I support universal housing and ubi. It won’t stop every tragedy like this, but the pilot programs have proven that it encourages people and gives them the financial safety buffer in order to get help.