
Must be great to be a teacher these days. You get to crowdfund your supplies, get covid three times a year, and every time you read a book someone calls 911.
A Texas middle school teacher has been fired after reading an illustrated version of Anne Frank's Diary to her eighth-grade class
At least their pay is astronomical
And the school shootings rare.
😢. We have our second active shooter drill (in 5 weeks) of the school year tomorrow. Stressful. Necessary. I hate it.
And school infrastructure, absolutely delightful.
Can't beat the work environment. Smelling a new set of 30 prepubescent kids every 45 minutes & living among the joys those hormones release upon the world. I'm super jelly.
There's more than one reason to demand better air replacement in classrooms!
Not to mention all the social clout.
Hah---I started out with a tenure track position at a state college in the 2000s before moving on to the HS I work at now---I was paid more when I started than as an asst prof.
Look you put up with a lot but at the end of the day you’re pulling in 43k a year
I remember graduating college with a CS degree and immediately making more money than my dad and his 25+ years of teaching experience and that's BEFORE I got into big tech
how the fuck do yall manage the impostor syndrome long enough to learn how to code? i would literally kill for this confidence.
the imposter syndrome didn't kick in until AFTER I learned to code and got into big tech but they haven't fired me yet
I find once you can internalize that everyone ... EVERYONE ... who is decent or better feels like an imposter just like you, then it means you belong there, you just trick your brain into changing the set rule. Still feel like an imposter though, BUT.
And then you realize your bosses who are supposed to be more experienced than you know less then you which makes you the expert 😋
No confidence required lol. I literally cried in the bathroom regularly at my first coding job. 😂😭
I feel I should clarify: absolutely no bullying was going on. My coworkers were actually great and very helpful. It was just the crushing reality of how much I didn’t know yet.
The best thing about coding jobs is having that experience at every subsequent job too!
Spite. It's less confidence and more literally just spite lol That and I started learning basic coding at 11 from neopets and the love stuck.
For me (decades ago) learning by myself but peeking over friends' shoulders in the university's terminal room. I could see that they knew things I didn't but could learn them without exposing myself.
Which is good, because otherwise they might have been too distracted for you to learn much.
That’s pretty much the way it was with me me and my mom
Same story but with my mom, and she even taught at private schools
I can make more being a park ranger plus give the fear of being a felon on unruly and fighting tourists.
Plus you’re about 99% less likely to get shot
43K a year AND people at the bar yell at you for living large off of taxpayer dollars! It’s a win-win scenario!
Yes, it’s a luxurious life. /s
at this point I'm glad that both of my elementary school teacher parents have retired and don't have to deal with this shit anymore
I'm glad that all my teacher friends teach in a blue state. My heart breaks for teachers in red states.
Teachers don’t get paid enough in blue states, either. “Look I understand it’s annoying that Mrs. Clockpuncher will not answer emails, but she has a second job so that she can afford to live relatively close by. That’s why we got you a tutor”
My mom taught for almost 40 years and never had to put up with this insanity.
Yeah, my mom's a retired HS teacher and is so glad to be done. Sis and bro-in-law are in the classroom. The other 1/2 of family are RW nuts, but in education. I don't get that.
Oh, and don't forget... if crowdfunding doesn't provide enough money, you can participate in degrading activities such as "Dash for Cash"
also now the supplies include gunshot treatment kits
American educational and health systems are the worst among the developed countries.
It ain’t always fun but staying focused on the kids and their needs helps. Realizing your community will turn on you in a New York minute is disheartening when you would, quite literally, die for their children.
One of my private harp students is teaching in a middle school. Every week she has a new horror story. And it’s not the kids. It’s the parents and the administration. I don’t know how much longer she will last. Which is a shame cause her students adore her. And they are thriving under her guidance
Add to that being forced to use educational curricula that are not, unfunded mandates, and salaries that rival minimum wage workers in some places. It’s why we have so many graduates beating down the doors for jobs. /sarcasm
let's not forget the school board meetings where there's a possibility of a concealed carry bulging from someone's pocket at the mention of a Ta-Nahessi Coates book for discussion, or unruly kids trying to endanger themselves for a TikTok.
I honestly don’t know how they can take it. I would have burst into flames in 2020.
I used to be an adjunct instructor of Psychology and Political Science. I loved teaching college freshman. There is no way I could do it in this current world.
Teaching was already such a hard job. The fact that there are now these layers on top. I really worry for the future of public education (and I say this as a teacher and someone that LOVES teaching)
Today my local FB Q&A group had a bunch of people just saying that teachers are pedophiles, so no, I’m not gonna pursue that career.
So now, if you have kids, you need to check the school policies before you take a bew job and move your family. Fun times.
That’s exactly how it is, Sis. And just for fun, add the active shooter drills. This is not why I became a teacher. #Teachers