
The Supreme Court just overthrew the country and I’m still seeing headlines that are like “did you know Joe Biden is like, months older than his opponent?”
"Does he have the cognitive ability to do a better job as praising than the guy who stood next to him and denied doing something his lawyers admitted he did in court?"
Why aren't we hearing about the convicted felon who is Biden's main opponent. Because hubby had CNN on I unintentionally heard bit of debate, including tRump completely NOT addressing a question, and not being called out on it, although Biden was for not answering his question more directly.
I understand some of this stuff is on automated timers but read the fucking room.
NYTimes will cover this Supreme Court led coup for a day, tops. Then back to "bIdEn ShOuLd DrOp OuT!" from deluded op-ed narcissists
Sulzberger has an axe to grind with Joe Biden for not granting the NYT an interview so it's not shocker they're hammering on him
So many people have their priorities out of wack.
What this burning of Rome needs is not a fiddler but a full band. "How did we get here" indeed, on this day full of catastrophic rulings.
"How did we get here?" President Biden’s faltering debate performance last week has many Democrats worried that he will lose the election, prompting questions that get at the party’s structure and ideological rifts within it.
The Road to a Crisis: How Democrats Let Biden Glide to An 81-year-old candidate and no Plan B. “How did we get here?” one leading Democrat asks. The answer is complicated.
He could end the age/cognition narrative instantly if he said or did something...ANYTHING...that amounted to a forceful rebuke of what the Court has done. Instead we'll get a scheduled tweet from an intern bloodlessly reminding us to vote in November.
Once they finally address this it'll be, "Gee whiz Democrats are hyperventilating a lot. Alex Jones and Joe Biden are two sides of the same coin."
Chevron didn't even cause a blip in the news and that's a seismic shift in the way we regulate the country. Let alone the president can now officially murder people with impunity
The headlines are really hoping you didn't notice.
Well, he's also worked his whole life, unlike the other old fucker