Kate Forrest

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Kate Forrest


Reader. Writer. Doer of Things. 🏳️‍⚧️
I am always disappointed when I see someone who is otherwise cool, just drop the most bone head dumbass dog pile opinion devoid of facts.
Reposted byAvatar Kate Forrest
Anyway if you read this remember that the literal librarian of the internet archive has already publicly stated this isn't true and it's a publisher driven lawsuit or you could just keep being mad at a guy on the internet ymmv
That's Dan Quayle level dumb.
Reposted byAvatar Kate Forrest
This book is an absurdly adorable accounting of the plot of Alien. They had no right making this horror story so cute. 😭
Reposted byAvatar Kate Forrest
some of you have never put your tender heart in a blender watch it spin 'round to a beautiful oblivion and it shows
Bleh. The only place to buy steel toe Docs now is ebay and work boots are not something I'm buying second hand.
When you find a perfect steel toe work boots, you cross your fingers and hope you can keep buying them forever.... But the vulture capitalists bought into Doc Martens, it got harder and harder to find the steel toe Docs -_-
I love seeing historical photos of people being goobers. Too often we only see the staged or "newsworthy" photos from Ye Olde Times. In response to being called "wavelength pirates" by the feds, a Chicago radio station in the 1920s just absolutely rolled with it.
Fun fact.... I once had a very well laid out plan to straight up run a pirate radio station once. It would have worked, but $$$ was lacking.
Tag yourself. I'm straight up deceased with an unknown date.
tag yourselves
Fuck it. I'm gonna start writing fanfic. Publishing is a hot mess so it's not like writing stuff I could sell would let me escape capitalism anyways.
Reposted byAvatar Kate Forrest
You cannot solve this by voting and walking away. You tried that in 2020.
Reposted byAvatar Kate Forrest
The thing I worry most about is that so many people see to think Project 2025 is something that will happen if Trump is elected and be vanquished forever if he isn't. It's literally already happening and Trump could fall off the Earth tomorrow and it would, at best, slow them down.
Reposted byAvatar Kate Forrest
Prime Day, Schmime Day. Hey, listen, indie bookstores are out there being awesome every day. And they tend to ship directly to you, even if you're not local to the store. They're where the books live! And booksellers are book wizards! Bonafide bibliomancers fast with the recommendations.
I mean... if you got a killer combo, it can take a few to set it up. There's a lot going on there.
I know the "snipers let Trump get shot at because they were distracted by Magic: The Gathering" thing is fake, but this is the internet and if we all just decide it's true, we can absolutely make it be true. Come on. We need this right now.
Reposted byAvatar Kate Forrest
🍔🚨NEW EPISODE ALERT!!🚨🍔 THE MUNGO IS LOOSE!! “Chapter 36: 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…” is now live! Listen here: open.spotify.com/episode/3U5G... 🎨: www.instagram.com/bugzart_/
Ok the Korean baseball all star game is amazing. I would be the best baseball fan ever if the sport was like this in America. Instead I just get surrounded by Red Sox fans and Boston sports fans are the literal worse. www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN5LKsMo/
TikTok - Make Your Daywww.tiktok.com
Growing up in my part of CT, I got local coverage of NY and Boston sports so the fans were very split. Applied to all sports. Moving to RI was a shock that I suddenly found myself alone as a NY sports fan.
Absolutely. It's got layers to it. Watching it as an adult with my kiddo I picked up on so much that I missed as a kid like how the cops pretty much blackmailed April's boss to get her fired.
This is what an *actual* sci fi nerd with too much money and a thing for Halo does. Not that Cyberfail.
Lamborghini Huracan modded for offroading. Looks 265% better than the Cybertruck.
When the Taliban have a better track record with science than Republicans.... things are very bleak in America...
Fascinating. "...the government affirms that climate change is real, that it’s destroying God’s work and that those in the world who reject the truth of climate change need to get on board. The Taliban has asked imams...to emphasize during Friday prayers the need for environmental protection.
Taliban tries reconciling science and religion in facing climate changewww.washingtonpost.com Afghanistan’s rulers, cut off from foreign assistance, are tackling climate change on their own while debating whether it is God’s doing or a foreign plot.
Reposted byAvatar Kate Forrest
This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.
Reposted byAvatar Kate Forrest
Bluesky, at its nearly worse, is still better than Twitter or Feeds on their best day. Yeah, sometimes someone forgets to wipe their ass here, and we get discourse, but it still is the good part of town. Don't let folks sucker ya into a fox news type false situation perception.
Reposted byAvatar Kate Forrest
if you are in Milwaukee and you are gay and on grindr you have the opportunity to change this country forever
i know grindr has to be going CRAZY in Milwaukee right now
Reposted byAvatar Kate Forrest
Until the 70s?! Wow. Gonna ask my mother in law about that now. She grew up in the neighborhood in the 50s when it was the suburb parts were still new and fresh.
Also, I 100% may go to the library and start looking up old maps of town now.
I love that the main roads in my city have been kicking around to at least the 1800s when the whole area was farms with an occasional mill. I can easily plot out where my house will be built 100 years later on old maps. I wonder if there were traffic jams at the same intersection in 1892.