

Part of the reason I remain optimistic is that overreach is a major accelerator in radicalization for people who would otherwise tune out. The Boston Massacre happened six years before the colonies would call for Revolution. Bleeding Kansas preceded the Civil War. People react when threatened.
I call this the Confederacy Paradox. They separated from the Union explicitly to avoid the abolition of slavery, something that wasn’t even on the table! But by leaving the Union, they ensured a political backlash against slavery that would aim to dismantle it as the core of the rebellion.
Only one of them is a fascist and the other is pretty adept at governing within the Constitution. GOP’s Project 2025 is enough to make me run in the other direction. And Harris is so good.
Persephone Books are physically so much fun to read. Haven’t read this one yet.
If we are so polarized as a society that there are fewer persuadable voters in the middle, does that mean Dems need to turn out people who rarely vote in order yo win?
Then again, why is an Egyptian elder driving an Uber and living with roommates? What brought him to that place in his life?
Drowned out by Republicans behaving badly and the shenanigans of billionaires.
We're just a few thousand dollars shy of unlocking the full $100k match sponsored by some generous Run for Something supporters. The deadline is TODAY! March 31st!! If you believe recruiting & supporting young leaders matters, chip in. secure.actblue.com/donate/q1mat...
Donate to Run for Something!secure.actblue.com I did - you should, too!
Noooo!! Any chance of it moving to another platform? We need the context of history now more than ever and this is a stellar podcast. (Plus what will we discuss over dinner without it?)
“This study offers strong evidence that COVID-19 is a systemic disease that affects multiple organs rather than strictly an upper respiratory illness. ‘The continued dysfunction we observed in organs other than the lungs suggests that mitochondrial dysfunction could be causing long-term damage’”
SARS-CoV-2 can damage mitochondria in heart, other organs, study finds https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/sars-cov-2-can-damage-mitochondrion-heart-other-organs-study-finds The most important health news, in one place, at canadahealthwatch.ca
If white women like me were reliable allies, that could work. But we fail ourselves and each other at the voting booth more often than not. That may be changing at last but in time for 2024?
End of feed.