
Does anyone know of a service that will manage your postal mail for you and just send you the important stuff? (And ideally shred the rest?)
My illness truly means I don't have the energy to rifle through like 8 catalogs for shit I don't need/want just to find the two insurance reimbursement checks I've been waiting on for weeks, ya know?
Oo, this looks great and I hadn't heard of it before--thank you!
Thanks for the tip. I spent two weeks unsubscribing from catalogues a few years ago and this looks like the next step.
I don’t but if the USPS was actually interested in functioning like a business they could make so much money with a monthly subscription not to have our mailboxes filled with SPAM
I thought the problem was they make most of their money from the people who send the spam?
The problem is that neoliberals think every essential service should be run like a a business That’s a consequence of it
Ah!, yes these are exactly the sort of thing I was hoping existed, thanks for setting me on the path!
Small businesses often use a virtual address for a non PO box to list on public documents. Some open/scan/upload, shred junk Unsure if it's as useful for non-business purposes, might explore that angle? Pricy ones include co-working meeting spaces (not relevant), mail-only prices can be reasonable
These services do exist. I used one briefly when I lived in the UK, but it was terrible, so I won't recommend that company, but I'm sure there are good ones. IIRC, I had a flat fee up to X items per month. They'd scan them and I could determine if they shredded or held them for bulk forwarding.
Would love the name of your anti-recommendation so I steer clear!, if you're open to sharing in DMs
Looked it up, but I can't DM you. 😅
DM'ed ya -- sorry about that!!
Yes, legalzoom sent me over to earth class mail when I registered my LLC.
I use one of these since I travel a lot! ( You choose to discard junk mail and they'll scan anything "real" - you can then get it forwarded as needed. It's a bit pricy but I haven't had any issues. They have different "tiers" for sorting detail, B works great for me.
I know it exists, and it's super expensive. Alternatively, can digitally scan your mail before delivery - AARP has something like this for their members; AAA also has something like this - Not sure if that helps.
How to Manage Your Mail While You’re There are many digital ways to check your mail while you are out of town or on vacation.
No alternatively, I need help with physically managing my mail, I am physically unable to do it myself. That's why I asked for what I asked for. :) I researched and already signed up for a service that's what I need for $35/month. Some months my overage fees might add another $5 ish bucks on that.
Yes? Once of the options on the site I shared was a digital option - a service opens your mail, digitizes it, and sends the images to you, and you decide what's done with it - that would deal with a good chunk of everything. Is that not what you wanted?