
Effective climate action isn't just about pushing for change 24-7. I'm increasingly convinced that self-care is also essential. Spending time with the people we love, in the places we love, doing the things we love, is what fuels our capacity to love and fight for a better future for all. ❤️🌎
It isn't going to be done after one big push... climate action in itself must be sustainable.
Exactly. And when we burn ourselves out, and out of our fear and exhaustion some even begin to turn on each other and attack our allies rather than our true opponents (many of whom are not people but systems), we all lose.
I’m finding this increasingly so. Carl Sagan maintained that the solution has to be transgenerational. There is understandable rage from young people, but it’s being directed at Older people who actually care and are actively fighting for a livable future.
I sort of knew this in my 20s. I completely lost all awareness of this in my 30s. I crashed & burned in my 40s. I began rediscovery in my 50s. I’m feeling more in balance now than ever. I aspire to mastery by 90.
I’m similar. I began learning in high school, which also had a solar club. Forgot in my 20s. Began exploring if possible in my 30s. Gave up in my 40s & beyond other than conservation. But government grants and 0% loans turned things around for me in a hurry recently. What was impossible became real.
"Older people" is definitely a generalisation and generalisations aren't always accurate but rather are in some kind of average sense. On average, older people, who are in charge are failing on climate action, otherwise we wouldn't be in this situations. However, I know many older people as you say.
It’s the assumptions that are made,maybe I didn’t express it well.
I see, right. It may have been me who didn't read/think carefully enough.
We might need one big push to get through to emergency mode, instead of this slow-motion half'response. Then it'll be a marathon.
If we don't practice self care, we risk burn out, despair, and a negative mind. If these happen, we won't be able to offer the world our best.
And since it took 200+ years for us to get into this critical situation by steadily constructing a vast multitrillion dollar global energy system, it's not going to be fixed in 5, 10, or 15 years by a small number of people burning themselves out.
I stepped back from making movies that document climate activism to make a short fictional film about, feeding my soul. I just finished the production phase, & am the happiest ever. I think it’ll be funny, too.
Burnout doesn’t serve anyone
I would want activists to be able to show internally the reflection of the world they want to create.
Not all of the time, but seeing someone who is fighting so hard just take a day a week to enjoy themselves can be life and mind changing.
I'm curious how this interacts with our personal emergency mode? As in, people read our nonverbal cues, and if we act like it's a serious emergency, they might get into it. If we act like it's a past time, they mught feel it's optional... ? we need to pace ourselves, but we also need to show urgency
It’s insufficient to communicate the urgency of action alone. People can be very worried but not know what to do; and very worried + burned out. In fact, 90-95% of the people I speak with are in this category! I have a recent talk about how to balance urgency and efficacy, if you’re interested.
Katharine Hayhoe: Talking Climate - How to Catalyze Change in a Warming This year has been marked by record-breaking weather and climate extremes. Its relentless heatwaves, uncontrollable wildfires and unprecedented floods are fu...
Thx! I will check it out.
Self-care in fighting for a better world is SO IMPORTANT!!!