Andrew Bear

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Andrew Bear

Born when there was 319 ppm CO2
in the atmosphere.

Deep love for nature

Vegan for the animals.

Healthcare Chaplain
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Biden: "Folks, there's a lot of people still struggling because since we ended the pandemic... Well, I'll be blunt, since *I* ended the pandemic, he didn’t, corporate profits have doubled." Wow. Though a gaffe, this reveals a truth in how the White House thinks about COVID and who they prioritize.
FULL EVENT: Biden Campaigns In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, As Calls For Him To Step Aside (Editor's Note: Date on video should read July 7, 2024)President Biden speaks to voters in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.Fuel your success with Forbes. Gain unlim...
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When it comes to human welfare, it's not *aggregate* production that matters. What matters is ensuring people have access to the *specific goods and services* they require to live well.
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Things are going very well when we've reached the "Don't worry, the military won't obey orders to kill civilians" stage of democratic backsliding. It's the sweet spot, where good things happen. Right where we want to be.
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Everybody freaking out about extrajudicial killings is going to lose it when they find out about the existence of cops.
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There’s been a lot of research on hurricanes and hotter water. One consistent finding in the Atlantic is that a greater proportion of storms become majors. The chance that a run-of-the-mill hurricane becomes a major (cat 3,4,5) is now 2X greater than it was a few decades ago.
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Last month observed substantial departures in #Antarctic sea ice, which were particularly focused around the Indian Ocean sector and near the Ross/Amundsen Seas. This is a different spatial pattern compared to last year. Data available from
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Whether the far right talks and dresses like Russell Brand or like Nigel Farage, it leads in only one direction: The persecution of minorities, scapegoating as a substitute for policy and the triumph of capital over humanity.
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Your 'moment of doom' for June 28, 2024 ~ Smoke on the water. "Scientists are concerned that smoke from the flames will hinder the ability of the Arctic ice to reflect solar radiation - which would mean both the land and sea absorb more heat."
Arctic wildfires ravage region, EU climate service Scientists at the EU's Copernicus monitor say Russia's Sakha region is experiencing intense wildfires.
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The horrific spectacle of the presidential debate—a mendacious aspiring autocrat against a doddering genocide denier—shows the utter bankruptcy of all the factions competing to determine the future of capitalism. Hurry to find people you can organize with. Our only hope is grassroots change. 🏴
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"the Court has begun to implement the policy preferences of its conservative majority in a new and troubling way: by simultaneously stripping power from every political entity except the Supreme Court itself"
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New in International Journal of Wildland Fire:"Future fire events are likely to be worse than #climate projections indicate" (M. Peace & L. McCaw). Discussion includes increased fire-atmosphere coupling, pyroconvection, & nonlinear vegetation response. projections indicate" (M. Peace & L. McCaw). Discussion includes increased fire-atmosphere coupling, pyroconvection, & nonlinear vegetation response. 1/2
Future fire events are likely to be worse than climate projections indicate – these are some of the reasons Background Climate projections signal longer fire seasons and an increase in the number of dangerous fire weather days for much of the world including Australia.Aims Here we argue that heatwaves, dynamic fire–atmosphere interactions and increased fuel availability caused by drought will amplify potential fire behaviour well beyond projections based on calculations of afternoon forest fire danger derived from climate models.Methods We review meteorological dynamics contributing to enhanced fire behaviour during heatwaves, drawing on examples of dynamical processes driving fire behaviour during the Australian Black Summer bushfires of 2019–20.Results Key dynamical processes identified include: nocturnal low-level jets, deep, unstable planetary boundary layers and fire–atmosphere coupling.Conclusions The future scenario we contend is long windows of multi-day fire events where overnight suppression is less effective and fire perimeters will expand continuously and aggressively over multiple days and nights.Implications Greater overnight fire activity and multi-day events present strategic and tactical challenges for fire management agencies including having to expand resourcing for overnight work, manage personnel fatigue and revise training to identify conditions conducive to unusually active fire behaviour overnight. Effective messaging will be critical to minimise accidental fire ignition during heatwaves and to alert the community to the changing fire environment
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Any country that makes protecting your health or being poor a crime is not a real democracy.
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Your regular reminder that COVID is a bipartisan failure.
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In what kind of global climate have your family members lived, and how will they live in future? What legacy would you like to leave them? Fantastic tool by NASA: just enter names and birthdays of your loved ones to get their personalised climate timelines!
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I am frankly puzzled by the comment attributed to the lead author because it’s clear this analysis is talking about earth systems sensitivity — which we have always known is likely twice what we commonly refer to as climate sensitivity and what future projections reflect. ???
Read "Climate Stabilization Targets: Emissions, Concentrations, and Impacts over Decades to Millennia" at Read chapter 6 Beyond the Next Few Centuries: Emissions of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels have ushered in a new epoch where human activit...
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Wow. A restaurant in Chicago O’Hare, one of the biggest airports in the world, banned an infectious disease doctor from entering because they were wearing a mask. This is unacceptable.
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In 2017, I wrote about the risks of compound extremes: extreme events occurring in rapid sequence in the same place, or simultaneously in nearby regions. Fast forward 8 years and here we are - in a place I know well, not far from West TX 😱
‘Multiple disasters all in one day’: New Mexico’s brutal week of fire and Burning slopes are now battered by golf ball-sized hail and 8in of rain, creating a grim mix of extreme weather events
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Important to understand: we are now flying blind! "Rising temperatures are causing “knock-on effects that we’re only just beginning to understand,” climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe says on this week’s Zero." Small scale daily variability starts now to rule...
Climate Change Is ‘Loading the Weather Dice Against Us’ Rising temperatures are causing “knock-on effects that we’re only just beginning to understand,” climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe says on this week’s Zero.
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How Britain’s oldest animal welfare charity became a byword for cruelty on an industrial scale. My column on the RSPCA's astonishing betrayal of its principles. It now does more, in my view, to promote animal cruelty than to prevent it. Plus bonus🧵
How Britain’s oldest animal welfare charity became a byword for cruelty on an industrial scale | George As it celebrates 200 years, the RSPCA is helping endorse indefensible abuse in factory farms, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot
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The democratic & authoritarian leaders colluding behind closed doors at international climate negotiations. And the resource economists who created the belief of that we could have perpetual economic growth on a ruined planet, the foundational myth of the fossil-fuel era. 18/n
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A lot of the "reasonable" solutions being debated inside of public service commissions about the "future of gas" and "gas transition" are already victim to this exact propaganda that outlines here.
Next month, Oxford will publish my big climate book, THE LANGUAGE OF CLIMATE POLITICS. The book dismantles the core propaganda of the fossil-fuel era, and it offers readers powerful new ways to talk about the #ClimateCrisis that will help create transformative change. 🧵
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With half the month now behind us, June 2024 is very likely to be the warmest June on record. It is on track to beat 2023's record by nearly 0.2C, and may represent an ominous sign that global temperatures are not falling very quickly despite the fading of El Nino conditions.
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"Black and Hispanic adults were twice as likely than their White peers to be unable to renew their Medicaid enrollment after the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency" The end of the public health emergency was a disaster for health equity.
Black, Hispanic adults at double the risk of losing Medicaid after COVID emergency ended, study
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If I want to know what's going on with the ocean circulation, I don't read the latest hyped headlines: instead, I ask He wrote this excellent summary recently that I recommend to anyone who also wants to know what's going on. #worldoceanday
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"catastrophic floods, following torrential rainfall, have taken the lives of at least 169 people and displaced >581,000. Scientists say the intense rains in Rio Grande do Sul resulted from an atmospheric blockage in the central region of Brazil and a mass of polar air from Argentina and Uruguay."
Brazil Floods Displace 600,000 in World’s Latest Mass Climate On April 29, Jéssica Lima and her family went to bed. They woke up with a river inside their house.
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In speaking about climate change with people around the world, I’ve noticed how most of the questions I’m asked are exactly the same no matter what language we speak – these days, we’re all concerned about what’s happening where we live and how it affects the people and things we love 💔
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The good news is that many of the things we need for pandemic resiliency—clean air, free masks, more accessible public transport, decrease commuting—are the same things which will make our cities more resilient to climate change.