Katya King

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Katya King


Tech, research, law, teaching & AI - plus a lot of other stuff.
M.Ed, PGDL, LLM, (looking for alt online LLM+tech)
@[email protected]
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French railway sabotaged ahead of the Olympics 2024 opening ceremony This includes high-speed tracks with sabotages taking place in Courtalain, Pagny-sur-Moselle, and Arras
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Reposted byAvatar Katya King
On web, "Settings and Privacy" > "Privacy and Safety" > "Grok" under the "Data sharing and personalization" section. Doesn't appear to be accessible from the mobile apps
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🇫🇷 PARIS peeps! Advice please Arr Montparnasse (OUIGO) a 08h34 weekday in August Need to get to GARE DU NORD for EUROSTAR at 09h25 with 2 pieces of large/heavy luggage Thinking taxi but wondering whether pre-book and how long journey between stations may take Any help gratefully received Merci
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ALERTE 🔸 En ce jour de cérémonie d’ouverture des JO de Paris, la SNCF est victime « d’une attaque massive pour paralyser le réseau » des TGV. Bcp de voyageurs bloqués 🤔 🤫 ce 26 juillet 2024 🧐 Sabotage detecté des 4h du matin 800 000 clients concernés... DÉPART TGV-SUD-EST EN GARE DE MARSEILLE (13)
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Reposted byAvatar Katya King
In London, a new installation was opened ahead of the #OlympicGames to honour the memory of Ukrainian athletes whose lives were lost due to Russia's war against Ukraine. Since the beginning of its full-scale invasion, Russia has killed at least 487 athletes in Ukraine 🕯️
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Reposted byAvatar Katya King
Did u know? It's Wild Marjoram time. This plant is EXCELLENT for pollinators (it has the best quality nectar of all British flowers); it self-seeds everywhere; is tough as old boots in weather extremes; smells divine (especially the leaves)& is as cute as hell.Go mad for Marjoram.🌿🌱🐙🪲🪰🐝🦋🐞🐜
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Reposted byAvatar Katya King
📢 Job: Data Steward (m/w/d) at the Munich Data Science Institute (MDSI) Join the newly established MDSI at TUM! As a Data Steward, you'll design and manage research data management activities, coordinate initiatives, and support the TUM Research Data Hub. #DataScience #TUM #AI #MachineLearning
Data Steward (m/w/d) at the Munich Data Science Institute - Technische Universität München (TUM)jobs.zeit.de Technische Universität München (TUM) bietet Stelle als Data Steward (m/w/d) at the Munich Data Science Institute in Garching bei München - jetzt bewerben!
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Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, Cod. gr. 35, folio.
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🇺🇦🇬🇧A memorial installation dedicated to Ukrainian athletes who have died as a result of Russia's full-scale invasion has been unveiled in Parliament Square in London.
Today's winner of the internet 🏆🍱🏆
Lunch boxes FOR MEN
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To be complemented by the strategic thermos flask?
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La #création d'entreprises a toujours le vent en poupe en France Selon les statistiques publiées ce mercredi par l'Insee, 576.880 nouvelles sociétés ont vu le jour au premier semestre 2024, soit près de 57.000 de plus qu'en 2023 sur la même période. Le régime de la microentreprise reste plébiscité.
La création d'entreprises a toujours le vent en poupe en Francewww.lesechos.fr Selon les statistiques publiées ce mercredi par l'Insee, 576.880 nouvelles sociétés ont vu le jour au premier semestre 2024, soit près de 57.000 de plus qu'en 2023 sur la même période. Le régime de la...
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Data centers now consume 21% of all the electricity in Ireland, more than all the homes in its cities and towns combined. Cloud providers still want more. This drive for ever-increasing computation serves no one but the bottom lines of major tech companies. It must be stopped.
Ireland’s datacentres overtake electricity use of all urban homes combinedwww.theguardian.com Statistics raise concerns that rise in demand for data processing driven by AI could derail climate targets
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Letter: "We are Volunteers for Paris 2024 and we resign due to the lack of Covid-19 measures" blogs.mediapart.fr/volontaires-...
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As a reminder, the Edward Elgar Handbook on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence is now available in hardback & ebook, *and" the eBook is actually cheapish (at least re: Academic Publishing). If you're interested but unsure, you can seach my name & "Disabling 'AI'" to find a preprint of my chapter
Handbook on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligencewww.e-elgar.com This engaging Handbook identifies and critically examines the moral opportunities and challenges typically attributed to artificial intelligence. It provides a comprehensive overview and examination o...
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Okay, I've confirmed I'm off the hook for media inquiries, so thread begins! @erikklemetti.bsky.social has already written a lovely explainer on what a hydrothermal explosion is and what this means for Yellowstone the volcano (spoiler alert: nothing!). Go read that; it's great! ⚒️ 2/
Large Steam Explosion Rocks Biscuit Basin at Yellowstone (but Don't Panic!)www.discovermagazine.com Steam explosions are one of the biggest potential hazards at Yellowstone Caldera. Today, one of the largest explosions in years hit the Park.
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A fake letter that announced Jimmy Carter's death (and was shared by Sen. Mike Lee) should serve as a reminder to read before you share! h/t: @yasharali.bsky.social
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Happy birthday to #astronomer Vera Rubin (neé Cooper, ‘28-‘16) & her discovery that angular motion of galaxies deviates from predictions, 1st evidence for dark matter, now known as 5x as common as matter & the stuff which dictates dynamics of galaxies & evolution of our universe! 🧪🐡👩🏼‍🔬🔭#histsci 🧵1/n