Free people read freely

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Free people read freely

metadata nerd, librarian, not very social
This is so close to various early depictions of book cabinets, including this one from the Mausoleum of Galla Placida ~450 a.d.
Possible sabotage from the headline writers' union at the NY Times?
It makes sense, and is undoubtedly a best practice, but I didn’t expect to see it on Google Maps.
And it just spit these out. It's almost like we'll have to give up on humor and satire to keep AI from vomiting them up as truth. I do not understand why people don't see how limited this technology is. It's not "garbage in/garbage out" but "ideas in/garbage out".
One of Trump's posse at the trial today wore a tie with the picture of Trump hugging the flag.
This is a photo accompanying the interview of this climate scientist. I don't understand the comfort we have with seeing female skin (think all of those republican women in bare-armed dresses), and how shocking this would be if it were a man.
Oh, good idea to have one eye uncovered for better navigation, says dewey636.7* * decimal for "dog"
local sentiment The one that gets me is the "paleo" diet, and then finding them eating potatoes because "root vegetables" and they are about 14,000 years and a few continents off.
Walk with god, on a gas tank door. God walks with fossil fuel.
I've blogged again - this time about words. "...the use of whitespace in writing has its purposes but does not define meaning."
Xitter (pronounced shitter) - whole screens of comments of this nature. It's bot-a-riffic there. I didn't stay long enough to figure out why some posts get this response and others look "normal" but many emoji-only comments with no relation to post, from various accounts
Here's most of what I get for Ian Rankin. So many that they didn't all fit on one screen. What I really want to know is whether there was a method in choosing the books,or if it was "whatever we can grab on a pirate site". If a method, what was it?
Throw blanket, duvet, and bunny pillow.
What I find when cleaning out a filing cabinet: the New York Times used to have 6-8 pages of stock market figures. This is from 1996
End of feed.