Free people read freely

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Free people read freely

metadata nerd, librarian, not very social
It was the worst of times, it was the even worster of times
Watching the British election returns I feel compelled to point out that the 650 person House of Commons represents 67 million people and the 435 person House of Representatives in the United States represents 333 million. Replace the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929. We deserve representation.
if Biden announced that he was ordering the IRS to end all audits of people making less than $100,000 and ordering audits of all billionaires that would be something he could do
Possible sabotage from the headline writers' union at the NY Times?
What if, for the good of the country, the NYT editorial board stepped aside and let serious people do that work?
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
The Philadelphia Inquirer gets it right.
What a great time to be trapped in outer space
Another win for libraries.
If you've ever thought Reader's Digest contributed nothing to society, let me tell you that two of the Klansmen in the Mississippi Burning conspiracy were badly beaten in the federal prison in Texarkana when fellow inmates read an article about them in a Reader's Digest in the prison library.
TIL the Bank of Canada once had to ask ppl to stop Spocking Fives. I, otoh, would like to request that y’all keep it up.
i feel like "access to health care for women" should be a higher priority here
Where are the best places for recent college graduates to live? A study ranked 100 U.S. cities on their suitability for post-grads based on economic, social and employment opportunities. Here are the best and worst options.
I’m gonna be honest and maybe I’m jaded but all this talk of the library being “magical” sometimes rubs me the wrong way. Like it isn’t magic. It’s underpaid workers doing all this shit for you. It isn’t someone waving a wand and shit gets done. Idk. I’m just irritable today.
I, too, love the Internet Archive and am 😡 by the lawsuit, but I wish journalists would talk to Library librarians abt their commonalities with and differences from IA — and about how they're navigating a 🌎 in which they (unfortunately) license, rather than own, much of their collection.
Shelves without Today: Editor and journalist Maria Bustillos. Issue No. 97 The Internet Archive Is a Library Maria Bustillos The Internet Archive Is a Library by Maria Bustillos Five hundred thousand books h...
They're going to rule 6-3 that the bitch deserved it
It makes sense, and is undoubtedly a best practice, but I didn’t expect to see it on Google Maps.
Alito on his wife: “She makes her own decisions, and I have always respected her right to do so.” Is this the same guy who wrote the Dobbs decision ?
A depressing thing about our current predicament is that the Founders were perfectly familiar with grifters, partisans, self-dealers, and dishonorable men and loaded the Constitution with mechanisms to keep them away from public office, none of which work under our current political system.
AI's don't have to hallucinate because somewhere, some time, some fucksmith will have given an answer to the question. Taking all human utterances as true is one of the stupidest things that AI's do. There's a lot that I've said that I wouldn't recommend as "truth". Like this.
The Google AI isn’t hallucinating about glue in pizza, it’s just over indexing an 11 year old Reddit post by a dude named fucksmith.
One of Trump's posse at the trial today wore a tie with the picture of Trump hugging the flag.
This is a photo accompanying the interview of this climate scientist. I don't understand the comfort we have with seeing female skin (think all of those republican women in bare-armed dresses), and how shocking this would be if it were a man.
All the people raging on the NYT today and no links to the relevant xkcd.
xkcd: Free
Congressional Republicans can’t believe there are so many antisemites in Tel Aviv
Nadav Eliyahu, Reuters. I believe this is rather spontaneous, and a direct response to Bibi preparing the ground to blow up the hostages deal.
The National Guard battling students on university campuses, the U.S. providing war matériel for a foreign war, and RFK on the presidential campaign trail. We did it people, we invented the time machine.
The problem with this emerging pattern, for educators, is NOT hallucination, it's the expectation that "questions" have simple "answers" which are reliably generated by machine. If we want students to think critically about how knowledge is constructed this fights us.
Wtf: Facebook’s online help page says that Meta AI will join a group conversation if tagged, *or if someone “asks a question in a post and no one responds within an hour.”*
I've said this several times but it is worth repeating: You don't ask an LLM something, you are giving it a prompt. You don't get back an answer, you get plausible sounding text. Using the incorrect words for what they do allows the people peddling the technology to get away with ridiculous claims.
I don’t think it can be emphasized enough that large language models were never intended to do math or know facts; literally all they do is attempt to sound like the text they’re given, which may or may not include math or facts. They don’t do logic or fact checking — they’re just not built for that