Gnomish Christopher

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Gnomish Christopher

(not really a gnome...shhh)
"There is a significant problem with calming the rhetoric against Trump. The problem is that he is a threat to democracy. He is a threat to European security and freedom against Russian imperialism. And these things do not cease to be true because some nutter tried to kill him."---Ian Dunt
Today is a day that will spawn "What if's" That will make the Alternative-outcomes-of-WW2 junkies look like armatures.
going to pelosi for a quote on whether or not biden should stay in the race is so funny. “is the president too melted to govern? we go now to a pile of goo”
The jokes didn’t get much play. Meanwhile his campaign claimed he was jet lagged from a trip he returned from 12 days ago; he was under-prepared; he was over prepared; he had a cold … what else did I miss? Russia, Iran & China openly stating they will interfere this year. We can’t fuck around.
Biden refusing to step aside is going to guarantee the Supreme Court decisions we are getting today will continue for the rest of our lives. Dementia doesn't slow down because you want it to. We're fucked.
days like today are why you need a union even if your job is great. all we have left is our collective ability to withhold labor and we cant do that meaningfully and at scale without organizing literally everyone we possibly can.
At this point, if they do not pack the court, the downfall of the US is on the DNC. This has been entirely preventable, but they are still using the rule book from 1992.
“I will not use my office to the fullest extent allowable but my opponent will” is a really bad takeaway actually. Just pack the court man.
All because we rejected Jeb
The correct response to Chevron being overturned is for every single environmental group to start filing millions of lawsuits, right now, today, arguing that various regulatory decisions didn't go far enough. Absolutely flood the zone.
i love that we went from telling my generation not to use wikipedia because it wasn't reliable to telling people to use chatgpt
This is what KINDNESS and COMPASSION are all about!
"If we abolish the police, what will we do about the rapists and abusers?" I'm not being glib about this. The cops don't stop rape. Rapists run free inside the police. I don't fully buy into "we keep us safe" but these motherfuckers aren't keeping us safe EITHER
Should be national news: - Cop accused of grooming & raping 15 year old - Two other cops had sex with her in cop cars - She gets pregnant, found dead - Cop was last one to see her alive, in apt where she was found - Ruled suicide with no tests on DNA evidence - No criminal charges against anyone
This Frasier / Columbo comic has no right being as absolutely fantastic as it is
Nothing to do tonight? Watch the Jacob's Pillow Gala Performance. Watch Jacob's Pillow Season Opening Gala from wherever you are in the world! Join us on Saturday, June 22 at 6:15pm EST for a FREE livestream. Register to help us ring in our 92nd Season💃✨
Jacob's Pillow Season Opening Gala Live Join us for a live stream presentation of the one-night-only Season Opening Gala performance! Live stream access will be available from 6:15-7:30pm ET on Saturday, June 22, 2024. Access the evening’s ...
Avatar The question is, What is Chomsky's Schrodinger?
Im watching Aquaman for the first time. Holy crap its bad.
I buy desert baked goods and then eat them for breakfast.
"Former President, and Convicted felon, Donald Trump" Has such a nice ring to it. keep em coming.
THEBES (AP) — King Oedipus rejects request by Theban councilors to discuss plague and literal motherfucking.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Chief Justice Roberts rejects request by Democratic senators to discuss Supreme Court ethics and Alito flag controversy.
"Be the NATO Russian propaganda thinks you are."