
Unmelted cheese on a premade store bought "burger" patty as part of an arrangement on a gas grill that isn't even turned on is the single best representation of US politics I've ever seen.
every time one of these freaks tries to act relatable it only reinforces how out of step with normal people they are
at the risk of defending charles "chuck" schumer, the grill looks like the valves are open. either the grill is on or he's dousing his food with propane.
Yeah, valves are set open, but the main controller in the middle is off. I'm betting he has a preferred level he keeps it at. But the cheese isn't turning, grates are dry, and there's no smoke.
Flames are visible under the circled patty, which also has a visible grill mark on it.
Not flames, or they'd be visible on both sides since both valve controllers are set the same. Likely a grease mark, not a grill mark, since the color of the meat hasn't changed.
The angle into the grill only makes the flames visible in the section under the circled patty because of the grates and drip plates. The line of orange looks exactly like gas grill flames.