Ken Negar

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Ken Negar

Global commercial finance and Real Estate professional at Gilly Financials and Real Estate Firm.
Reposted byAvatar Ken Negar
Happy Thanksgiving, @writingcommunity!!! #writingq What is something writing related that you’re grateful for this past year? #amquerying #querying #writing #writinglife #AuthorsOfTwitter #writerslift #writerscommunity
Reposted byAvatar Ken Negar
My YA novel got published this year and, even better, readers have been giving it enthusiastic reviews So grateful for the book love ❤️ (I'm trying to avoid anything beyond modest promotional spamming, so if you're interested, check my bio 😊💙📚)
Happy Thanksgiving, @writingcommunity!!! #writingq What is something writing related that you’re grateful for this past year? #amquerying #querying #writing #writinglife #AuthorsOfTwitter #writerslift #writerscommunity
Reposted byAvatar Ken Negar
Reposted byAvatar Ken Negar
How can you distinguish between cilantro and parsley? To me, they look very similar.
Reposted byAvatar Ken Negar
Reposted byAvatar Ken Negar
This is a great thread.
On the seventh anniversary of THIS image, here's a funny story about the elephants, Naomi Wolf and the absurdity of online nostalgia.
Reposted byAvatar Ken Negar
Reposted byAvatar Ken Negar
Reposted byAvatar Ken Negar
You come here unannounced on the day my daughter is to be married
End of feed.