
You laugh but when I went to India I waited to the last second to get my travel vaccines (due to poor planning not vaccine hesitancy) and the travel doctor was like "you should have been here a month ago I would have given you the rabies vaccine but it's not enough time so uhm stay away from dogs"
I need to stop petting friendly dogs because their owners could not have vaccinated them against rabies. Vaccines don't cause autism but we have so pathologized autism that people are legit afraid their dogs - an animal motivated by food and the smell of your crotch - will have autism.
I just... what? "Motta and his sister, Dr. Gabriella Motta, a Pennsylvania veterinarian, published a 2023 study that found that nearly 40% of U.S. dog owners believe canine vaccines are unsafe. About 37% of owners thought their dogs could develop autism from vaccination."
I DO NOT UNDERSTAND! I thought we had all read that chapter of To Kill a Mockingbird to understand that rabies is bad! There's even a House episode devoted to rabies being bad!
I thought this is why we were all subjected to Old Yeller in grade school?!
I did not read old yeller and here I am saying rabies are bad.
And if not that, Their Eyes Were Watching God in HS
My autistic 13yo says vaccines are doubly great if they protect you from diseases *and* give you autism. We also share more than a healthy dose of caution around rabies. As for me and my house, we shall avoid pathogens with 99.9% death rates.
Your 13 year old sounds great but I'm also legitimately trying to understand how you can tell if a dog has autism. It's a dog. It's a whole other species with a wide range of behaviors.
Had to read TKAM and then Cujo. Michigan schools really wanted to beat it into our heads that rabies is bad
i.e., the only episode of House where I knew what the patient had and somehow four super smart doctors couldn't put together hydrophobia, light sensitivity, BATS IN HER TENT, and literally biting someone.
Paris Trout had the whole thing about rabid foxes terrorizing a town.
Scrubs also had an episode with rabies.
What are they afraid their dog will do, solve a Rubik's cube?
How on earth did they find anyone who thinks that dogs can be autistic in the first place 😵‍💫
Right? Besides, everyone knows cats have autism and dogs have ADHD.
Cats may or may not have autism, they simply (and rightly) expect everyone else to adjust their social protocols to serve them
Because they can. It's called canine dysfunctional behavior. My theory is that it comes from improper brain development in dogs taken away from their mother/litter before 8wks, so they don't learn how to dog*. But it's sure as hell not caused by vaccines. *"The Dog's Mind," Bruce Fogel DVM MRCVS
Yeah, I’m fascinated by that 40% number. I want details. There is no doubt in my mind that the Venn overlap between them and election-denying, covid vax-avoiding maga’s is as complete as Monday’s eclipse will be.
Rural people are the ones who most need to vaccinate their dogs!
🤦‍♀️That "study" sounds sus.
I'd be worried if they found that 15% of people believed vaccines gave dogs autism, tbh. I think it's the idea that's a bigger problem than the study. 😆
Sometimes I need surveys to ask "is the previous question something you had thought about before we asked?"
Absolutely. Anything that discourages the responsible move to vaccinate is dangerous.
My anxiety is literally flaring up right now
Just confirms dog owners are even dumber than I suspected
Complete side note, the stray dogs in India are all so beautiful
Had another dog owner recently ask me if rabies shot was necessary for our pups. I told him he was an idiot and to stay away from me and my dog. Like…wtaf?
I don’t think these folks understand the real harm they are exposing their beloved pets to. It’s RABIES. This isn’t a put some cream on it situation. It’s exhaustingly stupid.
I got bit by a shitty neighbor's pit bull a couple of years ago. My wife didn't understand why I chose to go through the treatment immediately instead of waiting a day or to to confirm the dog was vaccinated. Then a month or two later she read something and got the full weight of how bad rabies is.
I was attacked by an unvaccinated pitbull a few years ago and my insurance made me wait until after the quarantine period for the dog to see if I 'needed' it. The dog wasn't rabid but it was one of the most stressful waits ever (and also, apparently, absolutely not what insurance was supposed to do)
I have so many questions. 😥
I'm a Pisces, and my favorite cookie is ginger snap.
I saw a video documenting a rabies patient's death. It is GRIM.
I'm in two online groups for cat owners and have lost track of how many times I've had to say "Yes, cats need vaccines too. Yes, even rabies. Being an inside cat doesn't mean they can't get it." The vaccine hesitancy and disinfo is scary.
If you need backup, I got bitten by our elderly cat who hadn’t been outdoors in years, the NP reported it to animal control, and we discovered a problem in his vaccine records. We were very lucky we got a kind officer who let us quarantine and vaccinate him instead of taking him.
I think it helped my dad is a retired professor at LSU Vet School who im sure told the officer all kinds of epidemiologist stories before I got home from urgent care. I later heard of someone who did get their cat taken after a bite got reported.
Omg! it’s bad enough there’s barely any awareness of how important heartworm prevention is for cats! Cats do not need this!
I had to work so hard to convince an owner that yes, animals with diseases really can and do nest inside your home and you will have no idea. My parents didn't know they had raccoons until a cat kicked their asses under their house.
It’s absolutely absurd. With heartworm, almost all people I’ve talked to don’t realize, & vets told me they don’t push it b/c it’s such struggle to get people to get proper care for their pets. There’s lots of good science behind prevention!
The longtail damage from Andrew Wakefield's baldfaced lies continue to undermine public health around the world. He should have been drawn and quartered. He knew he was lying & willful morons believe him.
Everyone who helped spread his nonsense and hasn't recanted should be held equally responsible. Start with Jenny McCarthy and Oprah.