
I swear I don't get any kick backs for reposting this but the underlying issue is the media has a bias against protest especially liberal protest. It's called the protest paradigm and its been documented for more than 40 years at this point. Link in next skeet.
Crickets who where? Just because nobody organized a pussy hat march in front of your house on Saturday morning when you didn't have anything better going on doesn't mean people aren't and haven't been holding sustained protests in the streets, at city councils, and at fascists' houses for years
It's why there was more attention to the "open up" protests during covid then the "keep them closed protests" But in general journalism is really weird: there's incredible scholarship on how to do our jobs more effectively (i.e in service to democracy) but little gets filtered into best practice.
(And yes I know it's kind of confusing that I critique media while also being media)
In general there are way more protests than you think, few if them get reported on. If you wonder about the protests of Just Stop Oil part of what protest paradigm scholarship shows is very disruptive protests are more likely to get attention.
That's why you know about those protests and not other climate protests. This is not a support or critique of their efforts. It is a contextualization. Throwing paint at Stonehenge gets more attention than a die in, in front of JP Morgan chase
I do also feel sort of insane in that they have been super upfront about taking those strategies (to the point of targeting the same art!) from the suffragette movement, arguably the most effective protest movement in UK history! It’s not out of nowhere
It’s the same over here in Germany - too little coverage of liberal protest, but also - young people glue themselves to highways and they’re “climate terrorists.” Farmers build tractor-blockades on the highways and they’re “fighting for their livelihood.” 🙄
During the first Gulf War, there were protests at the federal building against it. At first the media showed up and undercounted the protestors, protest leaders actually had people sign in to document attendance. Media stopped reporting numbers, then stopped reporting. Left bad taste in my mouth.
nah, being "self-critical" is important for improving things.