
It seems to me that when a society privileges a group to murder and abuse weaker people with complete impunity, the natural and proper reaction of a free person is to hate that group and resent the society that enables it, and acquiescence is a sign of unsuitability to be a free person.
5 years ago NYPD officers broke into Kawaski Trawick's apartment while he was cooking dinner and within 112 seconds fatally shot him. When asked if anyone was hurt the cops said: "Nobody, just a perp." NYPD just announced the cops will face no discipline.
Shame Upon New York City: Kawaski Trawick's Killers to Face No Discipline - Hell Five years after police killed Trawick, the NYPD announced there will be no consequences in a late-Friday news dump
I lived across the street from a major NYPD precinct (major in the sense that you would absolutely recognize the building from TV), and they are absolutely just the most powerful gang in town. In any other country we'd call the "local security forces" and evaluate them accordingly.
there is (or was) some account out there that reports on American news the same way we report on countries we decide are despotisms and boy are the similarities … stark.
I don't understand how they get away with claiming it was just a mistake. People get fired for mistakes all the time! If anyone else made a mistake of this scale in their job, they would never work in that industry again!
And there’s so much ink spilled and pixels devoted to the rubber room for teachers, like it’s so terrible that they have due process, and wtf happens to cops?! They whine about how their job is dangerous (because they refuse to wear seatbelts).
More cops are killed by their own vehicles than “perps”, but if they shot up their own cruiser they’d get in more trouble
The people & media complaining about teachers unions are always cop supporters also. I am suspicious that it's intentional.
Thing for when the copaganda of Blue Bloods can't keep up with the actual fascism of the NYPD...
When the mayor is a cop, all police murder victims are “just perps.”
Always Be Asking... What kind of person wants to be a police officer, knowing they can kill someone with impunity?
That story kept getting worse and worse, the probably cleaned up dehumanizing comments are far from the worst part. And given that for whatever reason walleye body cameras are made by the same company that makes tasers, I’m not sure why anyone pretends they’re about accountability.
In the aftermath of George Floyd, I would go on my local Nextdoor site and argue that "Defund the Police," however unfortunately named, was an argument to reign in the militaristic imperviousness that leads to the killing of innocents. 90% of respondents thought I was insane. Security is all!
112 seconds? I'm surprised the cops were not chastised for taking so long!!
Was talking to my sister about the season of Serial when they went to a local court house today and how the attitude of the cops in it - down to openly saying they would police areas according to how the residents voted - was just incredible to me.
So you’re suggesting an Escape From New York type scenario here? They clearly can’t handle the responsibility of elections or NYPD oversight, and a wall would also address mass incarceration & vulnerability to global warming, shut down/combine Rikers + SDNY…I think you’re onto something here.
This is so dead on. Thank you.
In political science terms, governments are legitimized gangs. When they allow their members to overly harm the people already paying for 'protection' (both by and from the gang), they throw away that legitimacy. The failure threshold is different for different people and cultures, though.