
The whole blind mule thing has always pissed me off. At the midpoint of my prosecutorial career, when I was in a senior unit but still pulled some meat-and-potatoes cases, I got a case of an old Vietnamese man caught at LAX with a bunch of decorative slippers with heroin in the soles. /1
I really love the Court’s logic in this. “Look he didn’t testify that ALL Belgians is criminals. He just said that MOST Belgians is criminals. So it’s not, whatayacallit, discriminatory.”
/2 There was zero extrinsic evidence that he knew the drugs were there. No evasive tactics, no reports of nervousness or anything, no incriminating statements. They just waved him to secondary, found these slippers, found the heroin concealed in the soles, charged him.
/3 My position was that sure, maybe he knew, but I wasn’t confident he knew and I didn’t feel good getting him a 10 year mandatory minimum so he could die in prison. DEA’s position was that all mules know that they are carrying drugs; there’s no such thing as a blind mule; amen.
/4 I felt this was closer to a religious or cultural belief on the DEA‘S behalf than a fact. Eventually I persuaded office leadership that we shouldn’t take cases with NO evidence of knowledge beyond the presumption that a mule knows they are carrying. There are plenty of cases with evidence.
/5 DEA (which is, in a way, the client) was pissed, and my credibility took a hit, and it was part of my process of deciding I was on the wrong side.
/6 Also my ability to trust DEA agents’ worldviews uncritically did not survive contact with DEA agents, who were frequently unsupervised manchildren you wouldn’t trust to watch your dog Memorial Day weekend. Not ALWAYS though. Just OFTEN.
/7 this concludes today’s Ken grumbles stories about things in another millennium before some of you ludicrous zygotes were even born.
My uncle is a retired Special Forces sergeant major. 27 years in and he said the only group he trained with that made him nervous was the DEA. He called them teenagers with guns and no adult supervision.
Umm, if, that's the only group that made him nervous, I'd be concerned. SF has some real psychos that fit his description and should make him nervous too. I might have been one of them. 🙃
Yes, but professional psychos are at least sort of predictable. Amateur psychos are dangerous
Are "sort of predictable psychos" something like "Chaotic Good" on the old D&D alignment chart?
My second-favorite No Shit story: at Sniper school, SF guys taught a class on "how to kill a man with an orange". The point of this story- "...SF guys are nuts?" "No. If you see Huey with a bag of oranges, go the other fucking way."
"What do you do if a man attacks you with a raspberry?"
I am tired of doing fresh fruit. What about a pointed stick?
(didn’t see that GIF, but this is my second-fave in subject)
That was probably his point, yes.
this reminds me how almost all service members hate (or at least dislike) MPs / shore patrol / military cops
I always wondered the extent to which the portrayal of the DEA in Breaking Bad was accurate … especially Hank Schrader (Dean Norris).
Ludicrous Zygotes are going to win two Grammys this year.
Pronouncing "Zygotes" to rhyme with "Jubilees"
I listened to Ludicrous Zygotes before they were cool.
I was going g to make this joke (or a variation of it) but it's such a good band name I had to go google first to make sure it wasn't already taken.
I think "ludicrous zygotes" is my new favorite insult.
If I start a band with my fellow millennials I'm calling us the Ludicrous Zygotes
Are you telling me the weird offshoot agency with more money than God attracts a lot of cowboys?
Hey how did you guess the name of my new bop fusion band #LudicrousZygotes
Well, look, at least she wasn't an 8 year old boy.
My experience with the DEA deciding how regulations apply: DEA: Who is higher ranking? Because whoever he is, his interpretation of the rules is correct no it doesn't matter how we decided last time then the important person was different
This does make them slightly better than CBP, which you shouldn't trust to take care of a photo of a dead hamster.
all of the LEOs in DHS are basically cursed and are the bottom rung on capabilities (though Bureau of Prisons Correctional Officers might be the actual bottom rung. idk)
I haven't interacted with many FBI folks. The very few I have were honestly some of the smartest law enforcement people I got to work with. But this was an admittedly small sample which included people who engineered a large and complex software system as a hobby.
my understanding is that FBI and CIA are the top tier LEOs and get the pick of the litter of whoever applies. Those who can't hack it or don't qualify with them move down the LEO tier list as their standards get lower and lower
Urge to hide away in a cave intensifies. 😬
Sure, but is that your EXPERT opinion?
Don’t worry, you’re allowed to say most and have it mean all according to today’s ruling.
Feels like this is true of most LEOs these days