
I argued that vandalizing library books was a move that would only appeal to antisocial assholes, and ever since then I’ve had a parade of antisocial assholes popping up to prove the point.
Jesus the trolls here are so boring. Blocked but saved the image so others can too.
They're not trolls -- they're the avant garde of the revolution, shitposting and crapping out non sequiturs until hatred and genocide magically disappear from the world!
Inactivists if you will
There's a world of difference between "the aggrieved and unheard are being violently suppressed and are thus driven to violence" and "you motherfuckers destroyed something completely unrelated to the point you're supposedly trying to make and disrupted people's ability to learn about the issue".
That account is super annoying because I wanted to just block everyone who followed it, but it looks like many of the followers are just librarians who haven't noticed that that's not the real ALA account.
“putting a ‘k’ in a word where a ‘c’ would normally go is edgy and cool” —me at age literally 13
For a brief moment there I thought the Library Association was calling you out for defending books Luckily it's just some delusional jerk with too much free time
It stinks that 'alalibrary' for Bluesky is being squatted on by a troll like that.
p sure it's that yungquiabo weirdo running it upgraded him from mute to block when he said the quiet part out loud
Sorry- had to laugh at this one. Saying YOU can't STFU but I notice that it continued to harass you and people who responded to you. (Also, I reported it. The little "parody" doesn't change the fact that it is deliberately trying to con people.)
The logic of "I can destroy any public property I want as long as I say genocide and climate change is worse" is a leap I am unable to take, but kudos to that account for finding a way to justify any action taken ever: just point to something worse and ask why you aren't upset over that instead.
100%. Especially considering that the people who visit libraries, art museums, and sites like Stonehenge are the very people who are more likely to already support climate action. So it makes zero sense to alienate and anger them by defacing works of art!
I spent the first week here blocking people left and right whose stance was „bullying is good actually when it’s Nazis“ and what they actually meant was „anyone who does not agree with me“ Had that person blocked already
I'm ok with boring trolls. The other place had "interesting trolls," and it contributed to the enshittification of the discourse there. Folks will shrug and walk away from a boring fight.
JFC! What a bunch of assholes. As if the U.S. Library system is not already under assault by the GOP, these twits think it is hip to join in alongside the GOP as well. I would almost suspect some GOP dark money sources behind this ratfucking bullshit if I was not already suspicious.
Let’s all recall MLK’s immortal words: “I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice.” (cont’d)
“Therefore, you should go spray paint a library. I mean, really fuck that shit up. As you all know, I — The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior — am really into property damage.”
Those darn English people will vote against Musk next time.