
This cartoon is always a good reminder as to how white folks viewed the civils rights protests as they happened. The same people that were calling him violent in the 60s are the ones saying today's kids need to be peaceful.
I find it extremely funny that bigots, peace-over-justice apathy endorsers and white moderates alike all let "You need to protest PROPERLY, like MLK did" come out of their mouths and openly betray the thoroughness of their ignorance. The library is RIGHT THERE. There are photos.
I mean they're not all the "exact" same, a lot of those people are dead (rip bozo), but they're the same type of people, ya know.
One of my favorite cartoons ever. I think about it all the time. Mostly I think about it because it is a genuine product of the times, instead of the revisionist perspective since his death
I got a lot of use out of this one on Facebook back in 2020. A lot of doofuses I went to school with were complaining about how violent the protests were, and they would always bring up MLK.
This cartoon just stuns every time. Just BAM: here is how it’s always been, no matter how much well-meaning (and heavy conscience) people try to hand wave
I keep this image saved on my desktop because it always comes in handy.
I should have seen this cartoon before today. WTF.
Ah but that was the LAST progressive movement. That was fine.. It's THIS one we don't like
The last Gallop public opinion poll of MLK was done in 1966. Only 32% of the country viewed him positively, the remaining viewed him negatively. Liberals only like reflecting on social injustice rather than recognizing it and fighting it today.
It is so handy. Like these are some of the most peaceful protests we've ever seen, and people still go, "why can't you be more like MLK?"
Yeah, but some of the people in tents on the quad might not go here!!!