
This is such a critical and quick read, highlighting the dishonesty of in platforming revisionist history, pseudoscience, and conspiratorial beliefs in their Opinion section. Expertise matters. NYTimes would do well to appreciate that fact when it comes to science opinion.
John Moore, virologist/immunologist from Cornell Weill Med in NYC and I take the NYTimes to task for two opinion pieces on #COVID earlier this month. Both pieces are examples of "science opinion", where non-experts weigh in on topics beyond their ken.
“The New York Times” Is Failing Its Readers Badly on A pair of shoddy opinion pieces proves that the paper is letting its audience down and undermining the fight to improve our knowledge of the virus.
There’s a big shouting match on Twitter about this right now. Ugh.
As expected. They’re truly insufferable - plus, it’s the only weekend so Zeynep has to do her rage tweeting at scientists. It’s a thing.
Just saddens me. Been depressed all day about it.
I thought you wrote a splendid piece.
Strong "I'd like to speak to the manager" vibes from ZT.
It was a necessary criticism of the NYT & WashPost which have ignored their science reporters to seek out experts in one field who are comfortable making conclusions about other fields that their readers want to hear
Gregg your piece is excellent and it frames an important and under-covered topic: how media structural incentives shape public discourse (badly). Thanks for writing it
I canceled my subscription yesterday. Between platforming people like Alina Chan and Chris Rufo and their horrible coverage of transgender issues, it was time.
Like all institutions, the prime directive of wealth protection, with a splash of xenophobia might help the NYT shrug off the next crisis none of our leaders seem to care about.
Not if their goal is, as they've made it clear, "make as much money in the short term as possible, even if it harms everyone, including the NY Times, in the long term."