
It really is making *me* feel crazy to see a bunch of other Democrat voters running around screaming about how Biden is now unelectable, on the basis of one bad debate and an incredibly obvious ratfucking campaign by America’s most craven newspaper.
I feel like treating Biden’s quite obvious and visible cognitive decline as a ratfuck and not something 80% of Americans and many members of Congress agree upon and are concerned about is equally weird! Reasonable people can disagree about the underlying reality, but there is not escaping the q.
It’s a rat fuck promoted by America’s most evil newspaper, and it sounds especially insane to me in light of how Trump is incredibly obviously incapable of stringing a coherent thought together.
Even if you grant that Biden has concerning cognitive issues, it is insane to conclude that Trump is an *improvement*
I also like (loathe) the ones who say just have him drop and run Harris. The second that happens the right wing goes into full open racism and misogyny on main mode (and it'll probably help them!) while the online supposed left goes back to their 2020 "sHe'S a CoP" bullshit. Fuck all of them.
1) the right is always in full racism and misogyny mode 2) replacing Biden is the single best thing to do to activate the left for the presidential election
If mfs cant “get activated” after what the supreme court did they are trash. Just giving the right hand of capital free reign to absolutely destroy workers and any budding labor movements. Just the fucking worst, no strategy, analysis or care for their community, dumbass morons imaginable.