
It really is making *me* feel crazy to see a bunch of other Democrat voters running around screaming about how Biden is now unelectable, on the basis of one bad debate and an incredibly obvious ratfucking campaign by America’s most craven newspaper.
I feel like treating Biden’s quite obvious and visible cognitive decline as a ratfuck and not something 80% of Americans and many members of Congress agree upon and are concerned about is equally weird! Reasonable people can disagree about the underlying reality, but there is not escaping the q.
It’s a rat fuck promoted by America’s most evil newspaper, and it sounds especially insane to me in light of how Trump is incredibly obviously incapable of stringing a coherent thought together.
Even if you grant that Biden has concerning cognitive issues, it is insane to conclude that Trump is an *improvement*
I do think we need to all be more active but I also think that going nuts at this stage is a terrible idea and the main focus is maintaining democracy. Any concerns I have about Biden are ridiculous given what you've already noted about Trump and how unhinged and ridiculous his "thinking" has been.
It's obviously a disinformation campaign at this point and I wish people would see it as such. It's not like we haven't been through them before
I think that’s a really weird take! I watched a man who says he’s the only one who can defeat fascism fail to complete sentences in a debate he called for. What disinformation is informing my judgement that he can’t win the election? I saw it with my own two eyes.
That part isn't the disinfo part. It's the chaos and rumormongering that is going to be used to get Mike fucking Johnson etc. into power once they push Kamala Harris out of the line of succession. It's also being used to distract everyone from mounting a coordinated response to the Supreme Court
Yeah, once they’re running stories about how Trump et al are super-scared of the Dems running someone other than Biden or Harris (as if that would even work, legally), it gets pretty obvious that there’s a chaos encouragement going on.
Democrats don't seems to need help to do nothing about the Supreme Court.
Wait is somebody floating Mike fucking Johnson for something
No but the people floating Biden resign so Harris can be an incumbent going into the election but fails to note there is absolutely no way the house would confirm a new VP putting Johnson one step from the presidency.
I agree with you on several parts. Succession is something to worry about and cognitive decline isn’t worth discussing. My concern is the likelihood of Biden not completing a second term, the SC disqualifying Harris, putting Johnson in line. We should stop assuming things will be normal
his cognitive decline is directly tied to his inability to finish a second term oh my god go back to twitter.
I saw Simone Biles flub a vault in the Tokyo Olympics with my own two eyes.
Simone Biles isn’t president of the us. And no prior evidence of decking gymnastic abilities. Bad comparison. Need a new nominee.
...then she withdrew from the team competition
"They’re taking black jobs now and it could be 18. It could be 19 and even 20 million people. They’re taking black jobs and they’re taking Hispanic jobs and you haven’t seen it yet, but you’re going to see something that’s going to be the worst in our history." My god, you're right. He's incoherent
It would be really bad if Biden said that. Oh, wait a minute.
I think it's totally fine to be worried about Biden's aging. I think there's reason to be concerned that this limits some campaign possibilities. But I also think there's no real reason to be worried about his ability to be president.
So like, he's clearly mentally normal, even if he is more likely to garble some words now, and ramble/lose a train of thought. The debate was bad! It's not that he's just like that all the time, though.
It's something to worry about in terms of getting votes by November for sure; there's no reason to play up the substantive, factual question about his capacity, and also the panic is wildly disproportionate.
he's *always* been a shaky speaker between his rambling and his stutter and we have known this for like, forever, the news loved to point out the latest thing crazy uncle joe said when he was VP and they never went "this fills us with dread, for he is a mere heartbeat away from being president" then
Brother would you vote for a sack of potatoes if it ran for president against Trump? I would. I think actually there are way more people that would, and call me stancilpilled but the negative reaction online drives the narrative more than - what actually is the truth of what happened -
it sure would be cool if the blue no matter who folks would start demanding change from their party rather than admitting they’d vote for a sack of potatoes as long as it was a dem.
Yeah it would! 2028 will be a great time for that. Meanwhile, in the year of our lord 2024, in the USA, we have this. Just push the button, all presidents suck. Nobody has ever seen a truly good one. Stop trying to pick your president like it's your favorite taco bell meal deal.
We can't have better. It's Biden or Trump and we have to just take it. Because anything else is uncivilized.
Of course that’s not even remotely the question
You saw that he can't win a debate, and concluded he can't do the job -he's currently doing- what the hell do you mean he can't be president? He IS PRESIDENT
I think calling it *disinformation* is inaccurate, but it’s clearly trying to lean into his poor debate performance to either manufacture consent for removing Biden, or otherwise trial balloon the same.
Then call it a right-wing influence op, or a narrative-aided power grab, I don't care what people call it as long as they understand how it works
I've had to basically create my own vocabulary over the last few years just to be able to talk about this, so if others have better descriptors they like better than my own have at it, as long as we all know we're talking about some total bullshit fuckery here
I'm pretty far from an expert, but like...if all of your enemies clearly want you to do shouldn't do it
Sounds like a pretty textbook example of disinformation to me.
That’s not what disinformation is. You don’t have to make any lies to lean into something. Often all you have to do is repeat it and play on already extant emotions. “Trump is a threat” “Biden is old” “Biden’s not handled a lot of things well” “Polls look bad” None of these things are false.
It’s weird you don’t seem to know Heritage Foundation spoke to press re: how they would love Biden to drop out as it would block new candidate from the ballot in keystone states Respectfully: Get a grip. You saw a man with a known severe stutter who has already done the job for nearly four years
What did you see when you looked at the other guy?
I'm so annoyed that so many are taking it so seriously at this point. Genuinely exhausting.
Personally I’m blocking anyone falling for the “but her emails” 2.0
Oh not me. I want to keep them close in order to dunk on them when they turn out to be wrong.
I also like (loathe) the ones who say just have him drop and run Harris. The second that happens the right wing goes into full open racism and misogyny on main mode (and it'll probably help them!) while the online supposed left goes back to their 2020 "sHe'S a CoP" bullshit. Fuck all of them.
1) the right is always in full racism and misogyny mode 2) replacing Biden is the single best thing to do to activate the left for the presidential election
To expand on 1, I have no doubt it'll get even worse, this all started with Trump v Obama birth certificate stuff and then the 2016 Clinton misogyny. I do not have such faith in our left flank about 2, and I think a lot of reliable Dem voters will be demoralized having their president sidelined.