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Liberal transplant from Scotland to the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Music, science, politics, software, American exceptionalism sarcasm, #MMT and saving democracy!
Crypto-skeptic; don't touch it until you can pay your taxes in it.
Post.News refugee
Reposted byAvatar David
Reposted byAvatar David
Trump said he has “no idea who is behind” Project 2025. Here he is standing with the two leading architects of Project 2025.
Trump may disown #Project2025 but he is in FACT, indebted and beholden to the #HeritageFoundation authors We know he would be their puppet because that's exactly what he was last time. Their plans to remake our country as a Christio-fascist state, are Trump's plans. He is merely their tool.
Trump Administration Embraces Heritage Foundation Policy Recommendations | The Heritage Foundationwww.heritage.org One year after taking office, President Donald Trump and his administration have embraced nearly two-thirds of the policy recommendations from The Heritage Foundation’s “Mandate for Leadership.”
I'm pretty sure distributing fake currency is a crime. Don't suppose the @FBI are on here are they?
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
Trying to practice what I preach, I settled down this morning with coffee, to start working my way through this behemoth, with plans to highlight as I go. Boyz oh boy, I'm on page 4. of the foreword and can barely find a paragraph unworthy of a yellow mark. The whiny, victimized, build-up is intense
Read it, share it, shout about it. Their plans are right there in black and white. While SOME people want this authoritarian tyranny, the vast majority do not. Thus, EVERYONE must learn about what Project 2025 means, before any votes are cast.
Read it, share it, shout about it. Their plans are right there in black and white. While SOME people want this authoritarian tyranny, the vast majority do not. Thus, EVERYONE must learn about what Project 2025 means, before any votes are cast.
Trump is trying to claim Project 2025 has nothing to do with him. It is to going to be an albatross for the GOP.
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
I hoped for more from the interview tonight. "Democrats’ tendency to panic is also blamed. But the problem is real. The country is talking about Biden’s mental capacity instead of the singular menace of Trump returning to power. And if this keeps up, that is exactly what will happen."
Opinion | It’s not fair, Mr. President, but it’s realitywww.washingtonpost.com His interview with George Stephanopoulos did nothing to reassure people worried about a Biden defeat.
Want to read a shitty AI produced article? Sounded to me like a Trump Media press release until reaching the disclaimer. "Disclaimer: This content was partially produced with the help of AI tools and was reviewed and published by Benzinga editors." finance.yahoo.com/news/whats-g...
What's Going On With Trump Media & Technology Group Stock On Friday? (UPDATED)finance.yahoo.com Editor’s note: The article has been updated with details of the acquisition and rephrased for clarity. Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (NASDAQ:DJT) stock was volatile during Friday's trading sessi...
Scotland fucking told you so! 62% voted to remain.
Bit late now, innit? www.wsj.com/world/uk/bre...
Reposted byAvatar David
Happening here. Cannot be complacent or in denial.
March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
Why do Trump supporters hate our real flag and insist on flying that insurrectionist one they call a "confederate" flag?
When you got an F in history and a D in gym.
Reposted byAvatar David
We must bang on the details, not the Project 2025 name, which is too easy to deny. Let's set the narrative and keep him on defense. "The same people who picked Trump's SCOTUS nominees are now telling him to dismantle the DoJ". Then move to "unitary executive theory" etc and keep 'em dancing.
Yeah, Lincoln Project, this is not cool. I stopped using "Gym Jordan" after a sexual abuse survivor explained how such remarks are unwelcome. But making an advert including a shower scene to suggest rape, is on an entirely different level. www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon...
Steve Bannon prison video sparks fury: "Disgusting beyond words"www.newsweek.com The Lincoln Project's video mocks Bannon over the prospect of him being assaulted while serving his prison time.
Reposted byAvatar David
It would probably help dispel the notion that Biden is senile. And if not... oh well, nothing ventured etc
If Joe Biden shot Donald Trump on 5th Avenue while president, would he have Trump style immunity?
Chilling stuff to hear from the ideological leader of a radicalized minority. They will not succeed in their "revolution", whether "bloodless" or not. At least they're saying out loud. No-one can say they did not know.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
Reposted byAvatar David
If Anthony Fauci were to announce this on TV, RW crazies would start sucking milk straight out the cow's teeth while injecting themselves with bleach. So let's get him out there!
This is predictable but so important: Pasteurizing milk kills the H5N1 bird flu virus that is circulating widely in dairy cattle. It's easy to take a 150-year-old technique that has saved countless lives for granted, but don't fool around with unpasteurized dairy products. 🧪
Pasteurization Kills Bird Flu Virus in Milk, New Studies Confirmwww.scientificamerican.com Flash pasteurization destroyed H5N1 viral particles that were highly concentrated in raw milk, confirming that standard techniques can keep dairy products safe from bird flu
FOUR front page stories on Biden's supposed senility and NOT ONE reporting our new American Monarchy.
the times continues its vigorous campaign to end democracy. literally the same playbook they ran in 2016 with the emails. we're so fucked. i'm existentially depressed.
Ironic much? (Gifted article) I'm rather sick of this founding father "genius" thing. The system they created just made the King they never wanted. And don't get me started on the wording of the 2nd amendment or the structure of the Senate. wapo.st/3zzMk9f
Opinion | What explains the genius of the American Founders?wapo.st Looked down on by England’s ruling class, they reacted by redefining what it means to be civilized.
Trump uses his Constitutional authority to command the killing of someone in the name of national security. His motives cannot be questioned. The guy happens to be on 5th Ave.
It's hypothetical until one day it's not.
1/ Let me explain one way that today's Trump immunity decision threatens the survival of the Republic. Under today's ruling, a President would be immune for any way in which he used the military (a "core function"), even to kill American citizens in America. Theoretically, the soldiers who . . .