Armand Tamzarian

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Armand Tamzarian

/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.
Although I experienced all this day-to-day and know how the Tories have fucked this country up, this article really emphasises it.
This is a stonking great read. (H/T But Bloody Hell I really had no idea quite how bad the Tory austerity was. Yet Luxon got practically no scrutiny about his visit to the UK & the various think tanks that authored this austerity.
A neat summary of the last 5 years, a heady mixture of incompetence and corruption. BBC News - General election live: Tory candidate being looked into over betting married to director of campaigning - BBC News
General election live: Tory candidate being looked into over betting married to director of The Conservatives say they are in touch with the Gambling Commission
Make a band milder: Fabric Zeppelin
make a band milder Dismemberment Cab for Cutie
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: I had to type in the code for the first computer game I played at home.
Wanted an Atari, got an Odyssey 2.
Avatar has been hacked in the other place. Easily one of the best independent UK political commentators. A must follow for anyone interested in UK politics - let’s get everyone here following him.
A very good point made in this thread. It explains a lot beyond Sunak's political inexperience
The question Who on Earth is advising Sunak? occurred to me rhetorically and then I realised that's actually a serious question and potentially comes back to how he got his break in the first rank of politics. Remember when Johnson/Cummings tried to impose a No10 team of advisors on Sajid Javid?
No shit. My dogs have more political nous than this moron
I think that Sunak has a clear plan for bold action #ITVdebate
“Labour doesn’t have a plan” says man who hadn’t checked the weather forecast.
Forced to work in the rain unnecessarily? Join a union.
Just a reminder that the most decorated US military unit in history is the 442nd, a unit composed of Japanese Americans, who won their jaw-dropping 21 Medals of Honor, 9500 Purple Hearts, and 8 Presidential Unit Citations while their government put their families into concentration camps
A group of Japanese American soldiers at Berghof, Adolf Hitler's retreat above Berchtesgaden, in the Bavarian Alps. The photograph was taken in May 1945. 🗃 #skystorians
Longshot but Brummies if you see this bike (with orange shocks) anywhere - including FB marketplace!- please message me urgently. Creeps followed B home and stole it from him on our drive in B13. still paying it off on finance 😭 RTs and shares elsewhere deeply appreciated.
This is a perfectly cromulent thread
What throwaway Simpsons joke lives in your head full-time? For me it’s Dr Hibbert deciding not to eat at Moe’s and instead taking the family to the Texas Cheesecake Depository
CCHQ rn:
I've seen enough: Sadiq Khan (Labour) is re-elected as Mayor of London.
Guy designing the Nostromo: However many chains you think we need on the ship, double--then triple that number and that's what we'll put in the ship's chain room. Assistant: Yes, sir. And the chains are dry, of course? Designer: You're fired
If you spot any dodgy electoral games (eg buying web domains with an opponent’s name which take a reader to a Tory website, as has happened near Tiverton lately), false “fines” on cars as in London etc) - send ‘em [email protected]
A fascinating take, in that, if true, would mean, if we accept the account that Badenoch presents, would mean every single British prime minister from Walpole to Eden had the wrong idea about how to improve British power and prosperity.
Kemi Badenoch: ‘UK’s wealth isn’t from white privilege and colonialism’ Minister told London conference that Glorious Revolution of 1688 paved way for economic certainty
Leo Sayer in dog form. Leo Bayer maybe?
playing freelance schedule tetris
Nicole Brown knew that her husband was going to murder her. She told people. She was failed not because domestic violence is “complicated,” or because “we can never know what goes on in a marriage from outside.” She begged for her life and was abandoned to her killer.
Happy anniversary to all who celebrate. One of the greatest dunks of all time on the perfect encapsulation of know-nothing centrism.
i’m too stoned for this & also the right amount of stoned for it