King Draconis

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King Draconis

Your local big fat dragon king~
18+, no minors
Paw/Fat/Macro Enthusiast
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
An old ko-fi doodle I did of a happy salamence 🎉
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
The look he gives me when I forget to check the volume before I hit "play"
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What they're reading in one of the oldest, largest Black newspapers in America. #BidenHarris2024 #VoteBlue
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
Back at work after #Anthrocon and feeling like this
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
This is a lunch combo I can get behind. Imma have some Salmon and Wine on my flight home~
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Gotta love the Philadelphia Tribune. Wow!!
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
Personally I think the stuff about Joe Biden’s age being a reason to vote for Trump is dumb as hell, if only because Trump is only 3 years younger than him. If you think Biden is too old, so is Trump.
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
I call dibs on going under there to take a look for the remote 👀
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
I don't know who needs to hear this, but we are all more than our worst moments I try to give people I know are not chuds as much benefit of the doubt as possible. I hate few online phenomena more than the way the circular firing squad immediately appears when someone puts their foot in their mouth
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
smug twink detected [ 🗡🐾 ] [ #furryart ]
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
Please, Americans, get yourselves together. Hopelessness is the luxury of your privilege. Hopelessness is not something those who are in actual dire straights prioritize. This user is enduring genocide surrounded by intense bombing constantly, expressing continued hope for himself. Do the same.
I have great hope that I will survive, in the ray of these difficult circumstances that we have been going through since October 7, and to have a happy life, I dream of that every day, and I hope that my dream will come true 🙏🏼.
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
Shitlib: “Left center alliances are possible, and we should be doing more of those!” Me: “I agree, which is why I find it so damn frustrating that centrists try to throw progressives and lefties under the bus at every chance they get. I’ve begged them to stop for a decade.” Shitlib: *blocks me*
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
These daily walks are getting too easy. Need to pick up the pace.
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
I was not full, good to have a friend with a good apetite aswell!
Well fed round boys.
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
Why are people surprised when they're told they actually have to be a parent to their children?! You want a best friend? Fine another adult. It's not your child's job to be your buddy. And it's YOUR job to be their life guide.
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
To expand on this, The issue with being best friends with your child is that friends will generally try to tell you what you want to hear. But being a parent VERY OFTEN involves telling your child what they don't want to hear BUT NEED TO HEAR. And playing best buddies gets in the way of this.
Why are people surprised when they're told they actually have to be a parent to their children?! You want a best friend? Fine another adult. It's not your child's job to be your buddy. And it's YOUR job to be their life guide.
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
Actually no, let's do this; it would be Good, Actually
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
turns out my state is having a contest on "I Voted" sticker designs, and I would like to show you the most metal one by a middle schooler:
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
Warrior of Light? More like Warrior of WIDE. Meet Lira Kendle local warrior and clearly eying her next meal. Now is it the nearby taco enjoying red head cat or that plate of sweets? This delightful piece was done by who ya'll better go follow AND
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
Good news! That degenerate art thief who stole my work to make shitty fetish edits has been deactivated. NEVER let art thieves win, always call that shit out! Thank you DeviantArt staff, much appreciated!
Reposted byAvatar King Draconis
the main obstacle to moving on from Biden Old is that it requires a bunch of people to take the L who are congenitally incapable of doing so