
the main obstacle to moving on from Biden Old is that it requires a bunch of people to take the L who are congenitally incapable of doing so
i am not too worried about this, it will be like every other time a media person is wrong, they’ll just stop talking about it and pretend like nothing happened
I remember when McMegan insisted that people who (unlike her) opposed the Iraq War were "right for the wrong reasons." Since most of us predicted what would happen, we were actually right for the right reasons.
Ugh she’s just insufferable. Didn’t know she said that but that’s some of the most smarmy Rumsfeldian nonsense I’ve heard.
She's arguable the worst columnist in the US. There are bigger hacks (Hewitt, Thiessen), bigger bores (Dowd, Friedman), bigger jackasses (Will, Douthat) but McMegan's inability to write or to ever have a vaguely accurate insight are truly unrivaled.
Remember when she blamed her calculator for writing something completely wrong?
No, but that sounds like her. She loves numbers an yet is wholly innumerate.
What were the ‘wrong’ reasons for opposing the Iraq War? War is wrong in general, and they had nothing to do with terrorism or nuclear proliferation were mine.
In a sign that the Biden nomination controversy may be abating, The New York Times and The Washington Post each announce 30% staff reductions in their Biden Is Too Old bureaus.
I predict calls for his resignation through 2027, at which point Harris would be able to run for two terms
tbf i think he should start preparing to step down by 2027 too
The dream is he retires the day after Trump dies
And the meta dream is that that day comes as soon as possible!
He can retire anytime after the inauguration* *as long as Democrats hold VP nomination numbers in Congress
Giving these people way more credit than they deserve by attributing that much strategic thinking to it.
I'm not sure many *can* move on from it. They've burned a lot of access for nothing if that's the case. Like entire publications pulling a Ken Klippenstein
It’s sort of interesting looking at who was taking this up in Congress versus who in the commentariat was doing it. In the latter it was pretty ideologically heterogeneous, but with some on the left flank taking advantage; in the former it seems almost exclusively to have been the center.
Like you wouldn’t picture Max Berger and Brian Beutler taking up a flag for Lloyd Doggett and Seth Moulton and Tim Ryan and Adam Schiff, but here we are.
Moulton is my Congresscritter and you damn well better believe he's heard from me about this. The contrast with Liz Warren, who's been solidly behind Biden, is stunning.
Moulton was the one who took a run at Nancy for SoH a few years ago. I considered moving to Salem just for the pleasure of voting against him for that.
Also you'd get to live in Salem, which is cool in its own right.
There were a couple on the progressive end - Raul Grijalva, Mark Takano, Julián Castro - but that underscores how weird the battle lines ended up being
Also Castro and Biden have hated each other since Castro trotted out the senility argument during the primaries.
So, who besides middle aged white guys feeling their own mortality and relevance slipping away, was in favor of dumping Biden?
Which has soured me on a lot of whiny lil bastards who i once respected They will be surprised when they find the barn door open and their credibility long gone; Beutler & AmProspect in particular
Should I read into fact that Biden-must-go is a 99% white guy movement?
Oh yes, 99% white and 90% of them having great, not at all contrived reasons for why the successor to the President shouldn't be the VP but some random white dude from the Rust Belt.
That and Republicans controlling all media to push that angle
I don’t know about this. Every fellow bedwetter that I follow has said multiple times that if Biden stays the nominee they’ll fight their hardest for him because the stakes are impossibly high. We just want to have a real discussion about how to meet this very perilous moment.
I’m talking about people like Sulzberger or Nate Silver
media narratives here, not people doing the work. Sorry, I should have been more clear
Though, there will be a lot of rank and file who cling to this for awhile too, especially with the permission structure some of the press people are going to try and create
Can’t argue with this. I at least hope it’s not as unproductive as the “Bernie would’ve won” chants. At least not before the election. I think those of us discussing this are more pragmatic and much less concerned about owning people or being edgy or whatever.
That said, if Biden remains the nominee and we lose (god forbid) it’ll be so upsetting that it may be hard not to vent some frustration about what could have been if we had not been burdened by what had been or whatever.
Are you willing to accept that other people look at the same risks and disagree with you about which are worse?
100%! I just don’t think that favor is being returned.
it's tricky because there are both people expressing concerns in good faith and also obvious bad-faith actors using Alex Berenson as their assignment editors & people like carville just throwing dumb shit out there.
"keep biden" is pretty much a single argument but "replace biden" is all over the map
They'll have to fight hard, since they have effectively been accomplice to making this story stick (four months from an election).
Oh they’ll fuckin take it.
They need to literally recognize that Biden Old is a huge electoral advantage too