Karen M. Poremski

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Karen M. Poremski


Writer, reader, knitter, spinner, spouse, parent, bossed around by cats. Fan of bike races. Haver of chronic illnesses. Living in a place named for the Delaware people.
Yesterday's wind tousled my hair! I haven't been out much, but your challenge reminded me to take a selfie. (I was at urgent care, alas, but doing better now.) My shirt graphic is Circe, drawn by artist Pomegranate Doyle.
I meant to ply today but couldn't get it together. Here is a photo from my Day 1 (June 29); I've got it all spun as singles now. I spin as I watch the TdF stages but take breaks so my hands don't hurt. :)
I have one, too! Plus her sister, who doesn't have as much white markings.
Here is a photo of some friends as a thank you! (The smaller ones helped me create the larger ones.)
Here's the chart for Columbus, Ohio.
I don't have a blanket, but here are 2 tempestry panels I made a few years ago, representing the Ft. Pierre National Grasslands, with temperature data 50 years apart.
Oh hi @darthbluesky.bsky.social This rotund delight and all their p-dog friends and family live next door to the red panda (who was too sleepy today for a photo). 😊😊
Ooh! Susanna Rowson ran a school for young ladies in the 1790s. She used embroidery, in part, to teach geography! Here is a photo of a work by student Sally Dodge in the year 1800 (from the amazing book Girlhood Embroidery, by Betty Ring).
St. Louis! (Photo taken by my son) We went outside to watch the I.S.S. go by, and--WHOA, aurora!
This is Abby, not pleased we were in the basement yet again (tornado warning). All is well now, thank goodness!
This is exactly how I feel about french fries!
Abby says: no, I touch you, you no touch me.
darth, I am pleased to report that Abby was *unsuccessful* in her attempt to eat bees during her porch time yesterday. @darthbluesky.bsky.social
Nice! I have 2 baby sweaters on the needles, 1 finished & waiting for blocking, and 3 in the queue. All of a sudden, so many babies! (I make them for my former students who are expecting/have recently had a baby.) I was using a similar color!
if you see this, post a picture from your device without any explanation
I dunno, I feel like G**gle is trolling me.
Here is Pokey with a similar emotion.
Worst birb photo ever, but a GIANT HAWK (I think Cooper's) sat in our backyard tree for a while this afternoon, in the falling snow. Just beautiful. Happy afternoon/evening, everyone.
Oops, my bad, it was the Vuelta a Espana; Jesus Herrada after winning Stage 11. Will see if I can attach a screenshot. Link to Mrs. Frog's rendition: twitter.com/musettedutou...
No no, the rabbit has nasty, sharp, pointy teeth!
Ships! One of my favorite memories: when my Dad took me & my sister to see the tall ships in Baltimore Harbor in July 1976, in celebration of the bicentennial. I remember when all the sailors went out onto the yards to open the sails; what a sight! Here's an image from www.sailbaltimore.com
Apparently late night bluesky was ship posting. This is The Elissa. It's docked in Galveston when it's not sailing. My husband and I got married on it.
Not a pet, but one of the horses I like to say hello to (they live at the county fairgrounds near my house). They liked my wee drum. Also, it helps me to know you're taking care of sheep; I'm a knitter who is thankful for shepherds, regardless of wool production.