
I've been revisiting so much of Carlin's work these last few years for this reason. It's oddly comforting to hear the raw truth spoken aloud vs dancing around it with flowery language, even though it's sad how relevant his commentary remains.
Carlin nailed what trumpism was in the 90s: angry young white men who are sick of being told that they can’t punch down on groups they consider to be below them.
It’s really annoying to see libertarians and Trumpists steal Carlin and Orwell for their own. Carlin would have utterly despised these fucks, and 1984 was literally a screed about fascism, written by a socialist
He hated what he considered “political correctness” at the time, but that’s cause he hated bullshit and people being mealy-mouthed. And I get that. However, were he still alive, I can guarantee he wouldn’t be out there saying shit like “there are only two genders” and shit like that
He did say the n word was just a word though too - he was damn contradictory at times
I'm not an anti-natalist, but I come close in many ways. Those who promote abortion bans are generally the exact opposite. They choose their own reproduction over the needs of children who are already here.
Pass on Your Values, Not Your Genes: The Adoption Ditching the outdated notion that blood is thicker than water and embracing adoption as the morally responsible choice
saved to my hard drive to fast draw when needed. Thank you so much for this picture.
2/ If you look at the image there, most abortions are had by women that have already had children. This means that these women know that the best thing for their family is to not add more economic burden and that is included as time taken off during pregnancy because USA is backwards AF
3/ and doesn't generally help parents or offer maternity leave guaranteed. Imagine being a server and being pregnant and needing to be on your feet for six hours on a busy night? No imagine her at eight months.
I want to call myself pro-life but. Well. You know.
She does what she does and killlllllzzzz it.
It really isn't even just pro-birth....its pro-punishment. If you think about some of the situations that the mother or child is or will be in during or after birth, or the fact that its a huge economic hit to be pregnant. Extra food, needing time off, doctors visits...1/
I would add 'with parents who want them and are not going to just neglect them because they never wanted them in the first place.'