Lena Kozlenko

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Lena Kozlenko


nothing to write
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People say they want a business person to run the government but Nancy Pelosi is a brilliant investor whose portfolio dramatically outpaced the S&P every year but somehow she didn’t see this crisis coming!
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All Dems should run on a pack-the-Court platform.
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"it's just a stutter," "it's just a cold" so let him talk now for an hour without a teleprompter?
And yet, Biden is incapable of holding town halls or off script/without heavy handlers back and forth events. Both due to the incompetent foreign policy and the inevitable questions, and the age related dementia and the inevitable questions.
Four days since his disastrous debate, Biden hasn’t called top Democrats in Congresswww.nbcnews.com The president hasn’t spoken with the Democratic leaders in the House and the Senate as a number of lawmakers grow increasingly frustrated at the response from his team.
It s the pet smart closest to the university right ?
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Anonsee did briefings for high-level positions while at the cyber division of GD: which provides cybersecurity for among other things, US Air Force bases in NE Africa integral to AFRICOM's campaign of wanton murder in Somalia; in a role that requires a deep intimate knowledge of GD ongoings
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Reposted byAvatar Lena Kozlenko
My review of Jim Lauderdale's new one is up fervorcoulee.wordpress.com/2024/06/29/j... More of the same from The King of Broken Hearts...and that is welcomed! Great country music.
Reposted byAvatar Lena Kozlenko
please I'm so sorry for laughing
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Wie kann ein vernunftbegabter Mensch, der über ein Mindestmaß an Anstand verfügt, heute noch die populistischen Hetzer, Lügner, Lobbyhuren und Klimawandelleugner von der #fckCDU wählen? Und nein - das hat nichts mit der Relativierung der #fckAfD zu tun - es ist einfach eine Zustandsbeschreibung!
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Here's the link. It was Ruth Marcus. So many DC elite pundits just don't acknowledge how fucking corrupt, extreme and political these right wingers on SCOTUS are. They see them at cocktail parties! www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/202...
Opinion | Are the justices re-examining same-sex marriage?www.washingtonpost.com Majority’s ruling in an immigration case could signal an appetite to revisit marriage equality.
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Turns out, problems don't go away if you pretend they don't exist.
'New Zealand's 6th wave of COVID-19 cases is largely being driven by people's complacency about the virus - the last 3 waves have been getting bigger.' 💯'COVID-19 doesn’t need winter, it basically causes waves any time'. Prof Michael Baker.' @otago t.co/FxYMmvcl0Z
COVID-19: Michael Baker urges people to get booster jabs as New Zealand grapples with 'concerning' sixth wave | Newshubt.co "Don't ignore this infection."
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Even though it s such a perfect excuse to get rid of the damn thing?
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männer merken mit mitte 40 dass sie bisschen langweilig geworden sind und denken dann ok jetzt gehe ich all in crazy bunte sneaker
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Who delivering in this group
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the look she gives when you pull up in the cornvertible
End of feed.