Gracchi Bro

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Gracchi Bro

DC bureaucrat, Hatch Acted-upon
Leftist urbanist; jazz guy
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you know the type
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PSA My brother last Friday dropped dead, literally dropped dead. He was young, fit and healthy with two young kids. This came out of nowhere. We won't know pathology results for months. He also had COVID multiple times. COVID is known to cause arterial blockage. How Let me tell you.
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I’ve given up making my primary income from comics. A few graphic novels & a failed movie deal later I just don’t care. It’s freeing. I’m going to make comics I want with no thought of markets & take as long as I take. I’m just going to try & please me.
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This is such a bizarrely antagonistic way to conceptualize having normal boundaries with people you generally like
They’re not our besties, but they’re more than just acquaintances. How much of ourselves do we owe our “medium friends”?
The Vexing Problem of the ‘Medium Friend’ They’re not our besties, but they’re more than just acquaintances. How much of ourselves do we owe them?
59 tomorrow
Repost with your age and a recent photo 50 and a little discouraged
Reposted byAvatar Gracchi Bro
Road trips will make your opinion on huge massive pickups go from “they are bad for the environment and for society” to “their drivers should face summary execution”
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Reposted byAvatar Gracchi Bro
Side question...has vision zero done anything anywhere?
This is nice but I'd say that im still not a fan of this type of policy in general. Maybe its unreasonable to even expect fatalities to decrease, but i think these types of policies allow city engineers to do keep the same inherently unsafe design.
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I built a built-in bookshelf! More proud of this than any of my professional accomplishments to date.
Reposted byAvatar Gracchi Bro
As a result of a single “easy” case of COVID I now have an autoimmune disorder, alongside cardiac complications and scarring on my retina. The odds of this happening to any person are maybe low but not zero, and removing anyone’s ability to take basic precautions to protect their heath is shameful.
UPDATE: NY Governor Kathy Hochul said on CNN last night that she is considering a ban on masks. This is absolutely shameful! New York has suffered so much from COVID, and COVID is not over. We should be normalizing and depoliticizing masks, not banning them.
Reposted byAvatar Gracchi Bro
This was a huge part of my wife's job as an urban planner in the public sector as well: do your policy design process with immense care and respect for all stakeholders, document it exhaustively, and then have some uninvested rando drop in right at the end and try to torpedo it. Job takes a saint
My ex is an urban planner, and this is the most bizarre and enduringly enervating part of the job. "This is so sudden! We need to think of the impacts." "We consulting planning experts on this and conducted statutorily announced public meetings for five years." "But I only started noticing now!"
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*taps sign*
I see it’s the time of year when some R1 TT faculty with good jobs will say “My employment contract only pays me for 9 months of the year; in the Summer I have to work but am not paid”. That is not the reason people are nominally on a 9mo clock. It’s an accounting fiction that is in fact a benefit.
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Reposted byAvatar Gracchi Bro
"Have you considered never speaking to them again?" is excellent advice too infrequently given, IMO. And I don't mean a temporary, punitive "silent treatment." I mean accepting that the world is full of people you're simply better off not putting energy and time into, and cutting your losses.
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The whole idea that climate change can be meaningfully address to consumers altering their personal decisions is so horribly counterproductive it's not surprising to discover it was invented, in large part, by energy companies and other pro-climate apocalypse forces.
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During the evening peak period last night, big batteries discharged 7.5GW of instantaneous power into California's grid at one point, covering 28% of the state's electricity needs. Big battery capacity has doubled in a year. Gas is on its way out.
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Today's newsletter is the story of how Prabhakar Raghavan, Google's former head of ads - led a coup so that he could run Google Search, and how an email chain from 2019 began a cascade of events that would lead to him running it into the ground.
The Man Who Killed Google This is the story of how Google Search died, and the people responsible for killing it. The story begins on February 5th 2019, when Ben Gomes, Google’s head of search, had a problem. Jerry Dischler, ...
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I’m Not Trapped In Here With You, You’re Trapped In Here With Me, Charlie Brown.
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This is it for most of the nonprofit industrial complex. Really every foundation should sell their HQ and give all the money to overseas child deworming initiatives but that's not fun so instead we get
This critique of effective altruism applies generally to most large-scale pet projects: people want to make a difference, decide they’re the ones who know best about how to do it — often despite lots of evidence to the contrary — and end up building structures that function as shrines to themselves.
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Sitting with this poem for a little while, being fucked up by it, all good all good all good
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Social media has weirdly conditioned a huge number of people to feel like they're Doing Something by posting, and Doing Nothing if they don't post about a particular thing, and in general neither of those things are true.
End of feed.