John I. Carney

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John I. Carney

County government employee. United Methodist lay leader / lay servant / lay speaker. Former journalist. Rookie oil painter, #MST3K, #UnitedWay. Author of "Dislike: Faith and Dialogue in the Age of Social Media."
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This photo is pure 2024.
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Holy shit. I just found that Adam West, who famously played Batman in the 1966 TV series, also played millionaire Bruce Wayne. What a talented actor.
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The three types of food: Indian, Corn Dogs, Seafood
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Honestly the main reason I never became a private detective is I hate getting knocked out by being hit on the back of the head
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“Godzilla Minus One” is how I rsvp to parties because my date ghosts me and then I show up and smash the furniture in a rage
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Stop. Making. Star Trek. Prequels. It is a non-small miracle that Strange New Worlds is as good as it is. Look ahead, not back. You don't even have to reference events of DS9, Voyager, or Picard if you're worried the casuals will be confused. But go forward, please.
Simon Kinberg in Talks to Produce ‘Star Trek’ Movie Franchise for Paramount is looking to the ‘X-Men’ producer to boldly go and relaunch the property on the big screen.
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Breaking: Unloved and Heartbroken House Cat Forced to Eat Food That Is Not in the Direct Center of Her Dish, Seeking Legal Counsel
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It occurred to me that Star Trek’s tagline is ‘to boldly go where no one has gone before’, but in most of the episodes when they go somewhere there’s someone already there.
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I only ever wanted to be Ford Prefect but now I see clearly that I have always been Arthur Dent
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What throwaway Simpsons joke lives in your head full-time? For me it’s Dr Hibbert deciding not to eat at Moe’s and instead taking the family to the Texas Cheesecake Depository
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They should invent a sunshine for when she’s gone
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As far as I'm concerned, buying this is paying $5 for a really nice new Tupperware container and you get some gelato to go with it.
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ARTISTS! Let’s do an art share! There are now 5.5 MILLION Bluesky accounts! Let’s find each other! Spread the post to reach the most! 💙
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Folks, if you've ever listened to me before, listen to me now: Don't store your tiny little squirt bottle of coffee sweetener next to your similarly shaped tiny little squirt bottle of mango peach water sweetener. Mistakes have been made. Mango peach coffee should not exist in this world.
A co-worker went to Gatlinburg / Sevier County, Tennessee, over Easter weekend, and when she was showing me her photos afterward I remarked that one of them would make a good painting. So she sent the photo to me and I painted it. #art #oilpainting #painting
Looking forward to the Slawburger Festival in Fayetteville, Tenn., a little south of me, this weekend. I stumbled onto it in 2017 and have been trying to get back ever since. The burgers are NOT made with coleslaw but a mustard-based, cooked slaw. A fun time.
They had the annual postcard and paper memorabilia show in my small town and I could not say "nyet" to this, which set me back $2. #stamps #nasa #apollo #soyuz
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Completely forgot about the eclipse today so it totally caught me off-guard while I was at the garden center. Found this cute little plant right afterwards, though, and it was so cheap! Taking name suggestions!
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My wife noticed the light getting weird before I did. It's so hard to describe; darker, yeah, noticeably so, but the *quality* of light is different, like going from natural sunlight to muted fluorescent. Feels weird.