
McWhorter suggests the slowdown in civil rights advances after 1968 was solely a function of the movement's changing tactics. But understanding how this slowdown occurred requires a focus not just on internal dynamics but on the growing power of backlash politics.
Opinion | The Columbia Protests Made the Same Mistake the Civil Rights Movement Passion counts for a lot, but the bottom line should be results. The protests seem to be headed in a different direction.
Let me try: Reconstruction fell apart because Black people won freedoms so Black people shouldn’t have won freedoms.
One of the political parties transformed itself into a criminal organization in response to the civil rights movement, but you'll never see a "centrist" reckon with that fact or its moral implications.
One of the best things I learned reading about the Civil Rights Movement is that all movements are imperfect and that those expecting perfection (in strategy, from activists, or in actions) are not only opposed to the movement but often too cowardly to admit it.
goodness, trying to remember who was elected president in '68 and how that political shift might have affected CR gains... wonder if McWhorter knows?
Also struggling to recall if any important civil rights leaders passed away in 1968, and if that might have affected the movement in any way
The incredible /r/selfawarewolves bait to link these protests to civil rights era protests but say that both protests were bad actually
Never protest or do anything except listen to right-wing jerkoffs and compliment them as they weaponize the state against your movement.