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Clambering onto the Bluesky life raft as Twitter sinks to the depths
A maker of miniature books and large oatmeal cookies
I am too old to be this disorganized. 🥵 I finally realized that the diminishing energy level of middle age is supposed to be accompanied by a general increase in efficiency, so that less energy can be expended & still get stuff done.
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"trailblazing physicist who gave up her PhD 75 yrs ago to have a family has received an honorary doctorate Rosemary Fowler, 98, discovered the kaon particle during her doctoral research under Cecil Powell at University of Bristol in 1948, which contributed to his Nobel prize for physics in 1950 👩🏻‍🔬
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Put the democratic strategists in a locked room with Biden's dog
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it is time for Dems in Array Behind Kamala call, write, email, fax, post loudly on the internet - she will be the nominee and she will win in November
BRB calling my elected officials right now and asking them to immediately support Kamala Harris
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OK, now we can stop talking about how icky it is that people get old and focus on the fact that the GOP candidate is a rapist and Russian dupe who fantasizes about screwing his daughter, mass deportations, and Hannibal Lecter, and should already be dying in prison for high crimes including treason.
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BRB calling my elected officials right now and asking them to immediately support Kamala Harris
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One of the reasons things are as bad as they are is because the same four guys can own everything, and that's a place where there is less competition, and it's hard to even talk about it because they also own the media where you'd discuss it.
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The time it’s too late to start drawing is the time you can no longer hold an instrument to make marks with or can no longer see. For most people that means it’s only too late when you’re dead. I’ve known people who started painting at 90 and it brought them so much joy. One life: MAKE ART.
HEY. ARTISTS. Two questions: 1) Think it's worthwhile for someone in their late 30s to take up drawing for the first time since twelfth grade? Or is that just sad? 2) How much time – hours per day, number of years – have you dedicated to your craft?
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This is all I fucking ask, and yet.
I just wish the Dems would go after Trump more than they do each other.
Meeses for nieces! (My niece is coming to visit.) #mice #stuffedanimals
#bsnm #blueskynightmarket
Rob Husberg’s “Stopping By for a Rest and a Visit” always reminds me of Elena Katz Chernin’s wistful music composition “Blue Rose”
Rob Husberg’s “Stopping By for a Rest and a Visit” always reminds me of Elena Katz Chernin’s wistful music composition “Blue Rose”
I just added a handful of (washed) pebbles and a printout of the Mourner’s Kaddish to my only-used-for-funerals-and-weddings purse. It already contained a pack of Kleenex, a mask, & a miniature Hamlet.
I have guests coming on Wednesday, staying overnight. I have guests coming on Friday, staying the weekend. Today:
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I need authors to stop writing things like “she brushed her thick curly hair” & “she pulled a comb through her curls,” because no she didn’t. Unless the next sentence is “and it frizzed up like backcombed poodle,” she did not do that. This is not how curly hair works, so stop it. #NicheGripe
Finally bought a muumuu. I needed the lightest fabric possible, to cope with doing housework on hot summer days. It also doubles as a nightgown. It’s not my style, but so comfortable I love it—and will just have to hope nobody sees me in it, that’s all.
Sleeveless Tiered Muumuu Is It a Muumuu? Is It a Sundress? Actually It's the Best of Both!
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Prime Day, Schmime Day. Hey, listen, indie bookstores are out there being awesome every day. And they tend to ship directly to you, even if you're not local to the store. They're where the books live! And booksellers are book wizards! Bonafide bibliomancers fast with the recommendations.
It is unsurprising that Trump picked a VP who wrote a book that was turned into a movie. DT is an entertainer; he prefers to pick someone from that world. (If he’d never been on TV, would he have been elected? Surely not.)
Reposted byAvatar Laurelsbooks
Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
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i made this shareable version of my one sentence project 2025 summary so it can be easily shared across platforms. feel free to repost.
My to-do list is gonna crush me flat today, which is why I’m still lying in bed
Peppermint ice cream, before it melts. 😢
If someone was baiting a trap to specifically catch you, what bait would they use? Mine would be a big lump of hash (can't get it round here, miss it a lot) or a '59 Fender Bassman amp
Reposted byAvatar Laurelsbooks
Something I never knew existed when I was younger: There is an elite system of arbitrage in which the rich want to be famous and hang out with famous people; famous people want to be seen as smart and hang out with smart people, and smart people want money so they hang out with rich people.
Reposted byAvatar Laurelsbooks
WTF. The electric company in Texas doesn't have a map of outages so people have been using the Whataburger App to figure out who lost power. This is like when Homer was using the Krusty Burger map when they got lost at sea.
I think my problem with the heat isn’t that it’s particularly brutal this year. It’s that I have FINALLY got it through my head that I GET FAINT in the heat & have to plan my errands & commute to avoid the risk of fainting the moment I enter an air-conditioned building, or using the subway. 🥵
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I think one major factor in the exhaustion/disappointment around the Biden campaign is the same as what happened with the Clinton campaign in '16, namely that both candidates should be absolutely murdering Trump, stunting on him 24/7 for being a stupid asshole who hates everyone, and they're not
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Hello, Fellow Citizen! Need a pick-me-up? Steve Bannon’s been in jail for a week
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It's time for white Democrats in Congress, white editors & journalists in media, white donors, & white elites to listen to Black Democrats & Black voters who are sticking with Joe Biden. Black voters saved America's ass in 2020. Black voters would suffer most under Trump. Listen to Black voters
On the ferry, passing by the Brooklyn park on the riverside, reminded again of the Martin Freeman rom-com Ode to Joy, which is largely set there. Casting Martin Freeman as a rom-com hero is like casting Oscar the Grouch as one, honestly. …Wait, now I want a rom-com starring Oscar the Grouch.