Lauren Thoman

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Lauren Thoman

YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE (Thomas & Mercer) coming August 2024!
I’LL STOP THE WORLD (Mindy’s Book Studio, 2023)

Rep’d by Holly Root
It’s been a minute since I’ve been on here (Vacation! Summer! ADHD!) but heyy I’m taking YOU SHOULDN’T BE HERE on the road! I’ll be making stops at bookstores in Nashville, Cincinnati, Lexington, Atlanta, & Asheville, & chatting with some amazing author friends! Will I see you at any of my stops?
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It’s never too late to defund the cops the way right wing politicians claim we did.
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Meanwhile, earlier today at a different Ivy, the Brown encampment agreed to disperse in exchange for the University’s commitment to meet with protester reps about divestment next month and vote on divestment in the fall. Brown’s announcement in this thread
Breaking news from Brown U: the university president has announced a deal with the Palestine solidarity encampment The university corporation will take a meeting with the student coalition re: "divestment from the Israeli occupation of Palestinian Territory" In return, the encampment will disperse
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Aww, the WKCR kids get to sleep in tomorrow—they’ve earned it
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All, please listen to/support the student journalists of WCKR, and all eyes on what's happening at Columbia right now. They're reporting live, as it looks like police are about to raid the campus:
Schedule | WKCR 89.9FM
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I occasionally talk to people who are starting out as freelancers, and I always try to remind people that you will be paying both your half and the employer half of social security and Medicare and that you have to pay for your time to generate business and to manage billing and business.
Nothing radicalizes you like seeing all your freelancer friends have to pay 30% taxes on their poverty wages. Everyone is out of work, under employed, underpaid if at all. There are no savings and no safety nets. Groceries cost $80 every trip. It feels like I'm bleeding to death.
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It’s our fav time of year! The b&n preorder sale is happening, members* can get 25% off all preorders so I hope you’ll take this chance to pick up PAYAL MEHTA’S ROMANCE REVENGE PLOT (9/24/24) and give your future self a surprise! *membership is free!
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If you've been waiting to save some money now is the perfect time to pre-order THE AFTERLIFE OF THE PARTY which comes out in paperback on July 16th!! Now, excuse me, I'm off to preorder some books myself!
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Publishing is a tiny industry. It never pays to be toxic and high maintenance. Just because we're creatives doesn't mean shouldn't treat our careers like professionals.
I have a book that qualifies for the B&N preorder sale and I am too tired to make a Canva graphic about it, so I would deeply appreciate it if you would preorder YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE, and use the code PREORDER25 to save 25%! The cover is pretty, the dog lives, there is both kissing and murder.
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Hey, did you know that if you read a book by me -- or by any author! -- that you liked and you leave a good review online somewhere, you will be visited by the Good Review Fairy, who will give you clearer skin, pleasant dreams, and also a gently murmuring mummified hand? It's probably lucky!
Me: [trying to explain the concept of “evergreen” topics] “You know, like it never goes out of style. It’s always relevant.” Teen: “Oh like Bob Ross”
Today we are sad. This little guy, who was perfectly happy and seemingly healthy yesterday, passed sometime during the night. No idea what happened. He went without a sound, so it must have been quick. Probably some sort of medical fluke. Goodbye Rex. We wish we knew you longer. We miss you a lot.
Eclipse up to some mischief here in Nashville
Walked around my front yard this morning, did not interact with plants or get down close to the ground, just strolled casually looking at flowers, as I do most mornings, then looked down to see two slugs *on my arm* And that’s enough April Fool’s for me, thanks, today can be over now.
Okay revising - this show is LOST meets The Walking Dead. Gonna start punching in magic numbers any minute
Trying the free trial of MGM+ (yet another streaming network I did not even know EXISTED until today) just to watch “From” and holy smokes this show is like LOST meets The Village by way of Wayward Pines
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Hi Friends! Asking for a young author who read my book and wants some help- What are some good resources for advanced young writers (12-16) who are looking for feedback on their writing? Are there any orgs that help kids get together with other kid writers for support and conversation?
Presented a writing workshop for teenagers a couple times today and may have told them that ideally your readers should finish your story sleep deprived and really having to pee because you didn’t give them a good place to put it down and you know what, I stand by that
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Connections just really determined to ruin my day today 😂
Yoooo I'LL STOP THE WORLD is getting close to *TEN THOUSAND* ratings on Amazon which... is kinda unreal? I think once it hits 10K, I may need to do a giveaway to celebrate! 🎉 If you've read ISTW and haven't left a rating or review yet, there's no time like the present!
Trying the free trial of MGM+ (yet another streaming network I did not even know EXISTED until today) just to watch “From” and holy smokes this show is like LOST meets The Village by way of Wayward Pines
New newsletter! Today I'm talking all about trigger and content warnings! Also flower pictures, because flowers are pretty.
Let's talk about content