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teacher/occasional artist | trek posting and image edits | she/her (elle/la) | texas
At the time this is the reason I heard why Tressie left- I can’t verify it (and I very much miss her) but I’m pretty sure that trans women weren’t involved in bolstering up the Zionist son of a NYT reporter being rude to a Black professor online. Just yanno try to avoid context collapse.
It was the assholes defending Peter bakers son being disrespectful to a Black professor. This place is rancid for Black academics. I’m sorry she left but I get it. I wish her peace
annnnd now the libs are full on dropping the "white" qualifier what do u know
comedians— their success depends on how much they are liked by unfunny people. intellectuals—
love this old lapanese frog
If you're fucking partying because Bill, Bree, and Salty are like, your enemies are some shit, keep it to your little circle. Do not fucking come into my notifications to argue how they deserved it. That's wrecker shit. I don't care who the fuck you are.
should've known the transes indelibly hurt this place when we stopped missy elliot from getting an invite code
found the narcs who reported bill
Help! Help! We're under siege by a bunch of Allies who still have a favorite Harry Potter house!
Safety better get on this, I spilled my juice
I see the people running defense for the jbouie stans being REAL FUCKIN QUIET about what's happening now. it will be remembered
It's the group of americans that when they heard garrison keillor was a sex pest, they pretended not to hear because then they'd feel bad about listening to prairie home companion anyway.
the linkedin contingent once again failing to understand the difference between anonymous and pseudonymous
All it took was one NYT Op Ed writer to feel personally slighted to do a digital homeless camp sweep so the libs can get back to brunch
bluesky has discovered a new form of moderation called "centralized moderation" and they are taking that for a spin
Dear Mods of Bluesky. That is all.
i do not care what you think about bree and salty, but if you, think bree, salty, and bill kezos all being suspended for pointing out blatant transmisogyny is a good thing for bluesky, then you seriously need to fix the transphobia in your hearts. transmisogyny is a real issue on this platform.
damn imagine that, the cis white dudes are using the discourse to get a black man and two trans women banned
okay so why is it always some kevin kruse looking guy though
silver lining: most of those blocks y'all are racking up are from matt yglesias stans
got one for the copypasta file "If I'm in internet beef it's about smoking out the fakes, the bots, the sockpuppets, and the merely stupid." is fucking gold
ice cold take: they go after bill every time bc he's a Black man and an ardent trans ally.
can't believe i have to do this again but FREE BILL KEZOS
FACTS and more people should be saying it. "Warning: this drug carries he side effect of being unable to log off"
vyvanse really ought to put "doubling down on social media when you really shouldn't" on the label as one of the potential side effects by this point, is2g
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
Look the point of "first they came for the x" isn't OH MY GOD THEY'RE GONNA COME FOR US eventually we should do something e v e n t u a l l y. The point is, go help the x
Rooting for Mongolia this Olympics solely out of respect for the drip
fine I’ll plug it in I guess
now more than ever we need the Painting that will Heal the World