
Dawned on me awhile ago: Donald Trump: inherited 8-figure business from dad, billionaire RFK Jr: wealthy lawyer and basically a trust fund Kennedy kid Cornell West: Harvard prof with tax issues Jill Stein: perennial Green candidate/grifter Joe Biden: actual middle class guy
A broad coalition of the Kennedy family will endorse President Biden on Thursday at a campaign rally in Philadelphia, rejecting one of their own in Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose independent bid has worried some Democrats.
Kennedy Clan to Endorse Biden, in a Show of Force Against R.F.K. More than a dozen members of the storied political family will appear with the president in Philadelphia, rejecting one of their own as he worries Democrats with an independent bid.
i'd quibble with "actual middle class guy" because he's been in natl politics for so long but he definitely doesn't insulate himself and didn't lead a sheltered life until that point. he's a worker, at the very least
Better description is "closest a presidential candidate has been to the bootstrap story in awhile" in that he's been in politics long enough to be upper class he started from a more traditional/less aristocratic background.
And like to be fair to the OP, he did grow up in the middle class. It'll actually piss off a bunch of leftys, but the closest we've had to a biden story in years is AOC.
Biden's big mantra of simplifying everything down is how you can tell he has zero affiliations with the Ivy League. Not that he disrespects them but he's spent zero time in high-end academia and it shows.
Although I do think he should disrespect them. Ivy leagues deserve a president who thinks they're nothing more than babysitting rich failsons who will fail up and treat them as such.
It's why I suspect there's far less concern with most people about brow beating Ivy presidents who sound dumber than a box of rocks. People who do "it depends on the definition of 'is'" are unpopular.
We could use more used car salesmen in Congress. No really. It would be an improvement over Gaetz and Greene.