Lila Byock

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Lila Byock

I write television etcetera
I found it, the most American product of all time.
Yes, the Supreme Court, but tbh this is the most interesting thing on the NYT home page right now.
Woman in front of me at the bar ordered a Riesling and Sprite. Gen Z culture is WILD.
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The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil.
This reminded me of the highly specific graffiti I noticed on an LA overpass recently:
Exclusive: A Post investigation has found that over the past two decades, hundreds of law enforcement officers have sexually abused children while officials at every level of the criminal justice system have failed to protect kids, punish abusers and prevent additional crimes.
Abused by the Hundreds of police officers in the United States have sexually abused children, a Post investigation found. In many cases, the officers have avoided prison time.
Saw a dingy minivan from South Dakota with vanity plates that said SPACEX, and I simply must know everything about this person.
On the fifth marriage you opt for comfort.
3rd grader has to do a student-led lesson in front of the class, and he just told me his topic is “mixology”???
The corollary trend in the TV business is that nuance & originality is actively discouraged because it’s more difficult for the algorithms to categorize and serve up to viewers.
Students, and parents, employers and professors: take note. “The better writer you are, the greater your chance of getting rejected, because you won't use keywords."
On the one hand, this Alito story portends ominous things about the future of American democracy. On the other hand, I have a great second season for the limited series I want to develop about Ginny and Clarence.
This is the first machine-polished Tesla Cybertruck. This is not a wrap. It looks unbelievable, almost like it’s invisible.
Martha-Ann Alito looks like a minor Gilded Age character who fires the cook for seasoning the food.
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The Alitos’ Christmas card reminds me so much of Ginni’s years-later voicemail to Anita Hill
Reading this great Evan Osnos story about a Ponzi-scheming Hollywood arriviste, and I’m struck by the similarity to the Hollywood arrivistes who run the studios, and whose perfectly legal Ponzi scheme is currently gutting the industry.
The Biggest Ponzi Scheme in Hollywood Zach Horwitz came to Los Angeles hoping to make it in the movies. He ended up running a seven-hundred-million-dollar scam, defrauding a sprawling group of investors, starting with his best friends.
This morning my 11yo said, “I don’t understand how newspapers make any money,” and I was not prepared to have The Talk about the collapsing media economy so young, but kids grow up fast these days.
Eagerly anticipating the inevitable NY Mag trend story on “July Divorces,” featuring hetero marriages that cracked up after the wife read All Fours.
Thinking about going back to school for a computer science degree so I can learn how to operate the new Sonos app.
Currently driving a loaner car while mine is in the shop, and I couldn’t figure out how to open the fuel tank door. Called the company. Turns out I needed to “update the software.”
I’m waiting for a flight that is now many hours delayed, and there’s a celebrity on the same flight, and it’s fascinating to watch the difference in the level of service she gets vs every other passenger!
One of the worst aspects of late capitalism is constantly being asked to rate your interactions with fellow humans.
We are not prepared for the memes
I think Alice Munro would’ve really loved the Miranda July book.
Increasingly vindicated in my longstanding assertion that Sam Alito is the most loathsome figure in American politics.
I am once again asking how this story took three years to break. Wouldn’t this neighbor have gone to the press immediately??
More details on the Alitos vs. the neighbors story, none of which actually explain the upside-down flag
I think we should just keep changing the name of the Streisand Effect after whomever is the most worthy exemplar at any given moment.
oh my god this is so fucking funny
The hardest part about leaving Twitter is that whenever I think up an amusing little quip I have to send it separately to all my text friends. It’s just not efficient!
This is a very funny quote given that the British literally invented a religion and named it after themselves.