
So, like, okay, the Times is now explicitly anti-Biden. Where the hell does it go from here? You already blew the load and called for him to step down, there's a lot of campaign time left, the actual debate impact doesn't look that significant... like what's the plan here going forward?
There wasn’t one. They assumed that they called the shots and whoops. Turns out they don’t. Gosh, imagine that.
Alternate theory: NYT eds are in such an echo chamber that they assumed the people calling for Biden to drop out were far more numerous/influential than they actually are, and they figured they’d better jump on the bandwagon – which is also really embarrassing.
Alternate theory: some of them actually believe what they say, others are just always saying what they know the boss wants said.
And if it’s not clear or somehow matters: I’m not even trying to suggest there’s anything defensible about that second group.