
YES EXACTLY! The reaction to the debate from the black community especially the base (ie Black women) has been: 1. WTF is a "BLACK JOB"? and a VERY DISTANT 2nd place 2. oh you're just now noticing he's old?
According to Marco Rubio a “black job” is a low paying job
That Trump's absurd claim the "everyone" wanted Roe overturned hasn't gone viral shows how freaking weird everything is. Donny is dazzlingly wrong about that!
On the scheme of things maybe not the worst thing, but that he said there was no wars when he was President grated.
Dude simultaneously claims credit for destroying ISIS (even though all but the last few months of the campaign were under Obama) and claims that there wasn't any combat. It's fucking insane.
Because the average voter was paying attention to what Trump said instead of eagerly waiting to point out Biden gaffes. Trump was the elephant in the room.
You mean they weren't just staring at Biden the whole time Trump was speaking looking for things to gossip about? What a strange thing to do.
From what I have been reading, sounds like Biden was just babbling to himself incoherently with an empty podium on the other. There didn't seem to be any moderators either.
Hey, Lectern, I’m drinking out of a Camelbak Podium bottle… what do you say to that?
I hope it's something yummy! 😋
When you think about what most newsrooms still look like, this is as much a (poor) reflection on news coverage as it is on commentary/opinion.
I can't say I enjoyed this chart but it certainly was illustrative
Oh, you know: out pickin' in the fields, cleaning the house, nannying the kids--just your average American jobs with no particular historical associations.
You mean black people aren't chomping at the bit to skip kamala Harris and go straight for white successors?
Absolutely this. The punditry are too invested in the horse race and their own egos to consider that other viewers might have been focusing on their own interests.
The pulse they're taking is from a white wrist. As always.
The real killer was this part: "And you haven’t seen it yet, but you’re going to see something that’s going to be the worst in our history.” Hmm...what could be worse than taking all of the Black and Hispanic jobs? Whose jobs will be left at that point? Is anyone familiar with racist dog whistles?
The TikToks coming out about it are *chef kiss*
Black jobs are probably in the binder where Mitt Romney keeps his women.
everyone knows. black jobs are the jobs whitey don’t want to do
Maybe Biden is benefitting from what Trump has long taken advantage of: rambling incoherence is hard to turn into a quick sound bite.
No, they are not given pause for a second. They will never wonder how out of touch they are. Their confident obtousness is maddening.
Honestly, I interpreted it to mean jobs held by Black people but I guess I'm just an idiot right?
So, why would immigrants be competitors for those, especially, then?
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Not prepackaged, not low melanin enough. See recent polls vs results with black folks.
I’m sorry, so this is the argument we’re gonna go with now? That actually that debate was good for Biden because Trump proved himself to be racist? People are twisting themselves into knots to avoid agreeing with the NYT ed board
No, the debate was not good for Biden. It also was not good for Trump. And since much of Trump's lead is based on making inroads with Black voters, it's bad for him to say something that might erase those inroads.
Why would this instance of his racism hit those voters differently than any of the past instances? And why would it downplay whatever their motivations have been to change their support?
I don't know. I'm not one of those voters. I'm interested in seeing if we get some polling data in the next few weeks to see if Trump has lost some of his Black support and if Biden has gained any back. 1/
But I do think it's notable that a campaign that has bragged about getting the most Black support since any Republican since the 1960s is getting skewered by Black people on social media. Biden isn't the only candidate who can lose support. 2/2
It feels like this is being positioned as the argument that most respects the Black electorate, but it seems to assume they’re a monolith in a reductive way. It’s hard for me to imagine the social/media bubbles that persuaded some Black men to switch to Trump is also where this clip has gone viral.
Disagreeing with the NYT editorial board is a pretty good rule of thumb for staying on the right side of things.
Who’s twisting themselves in knots? You’re reaching.