
people are absolutely going to die and yet the ruling enjoyed all of like 30 hours or so as a journalistic priority
Hell, I think that's generous by a factor of 10.
And half the articles about it kind of treated it like an irrelevant tangential and not all that interesting dispute about bureaucratic minutae
It's just a drop of fascism spewed from the firehose today that's what MAGAts and nazis are doing globally - acting fast to administrate and institutionalize their hate from local school boards to the Supreme Court when they talk about the 'deep state' they are telling you their plan of action
They know climate change destabilization caused by many of the same corporatists is going to drive scared people toward authoritarian "solutions"
The climate denialism is also organized and on purpose, Russia loves oil and global chaos Still shocks a little that cities were shut down, trade routes blocked by 'trucker convoys' to express anger at masks + vacs but no one takes to the town square for decency in government and democracy
Covid denial to climate denial: How conspiracists are shifting Anti-lockdown movements online are turning their attention to climate conspiracy theories.
things don't really change until people really truly feel pain, and even then propaganda is so rampant and journalism so undermined, I have my doubts people will be able to cogently and accurately identify the real culprit
Herein lies the rub... "until people really truly feel pain" The base prides itself on having no limit to what they will endure to "win" as long as they imagine it is slightly worse for their "enemies". Dead moms, dead kids, no problem b/c its the punishment they deserve b/c they aren't good people
Either they r good 👍🏾 at #Disinfo or we r just so gullible after decades of neoliberalism
They're good at sowing chaos and promoting fascism as aspirational, especially to kids Create an insta or x account and say you're a 18 yo guy sometime - the nazis are funded and organized Being a parent is not easy when x and meta are against humanity
They’ve gutted their staff of anyone with the expertise needed to explain it, leaving us with pundits and commentators who only know how to cover politics as celebrity gossip and sports
yep that's a feature (of a consolidated, billionaire owned press), not a bug distraction and horse race bullshit