
Look, I'm not one to say much about publications taking some sort of controversy and turning it into merch (we've done it a bunch), but generally speaking, if the message of your merch is "we support fascist insurrection," you might just be the fucking problem.
National Review has introduced Alito flags. They’re very real. Each costs $197.
In the early 70s, Mad did a guide to political types, from extreme left to extreme right, listing defining traits (every single one had "Distrust Nixon"). One of the far-right traits was "Wears Spiro Agnew wristwatches for the wrong reason." Same energy.
I'm thinking of a different article, with traits arranged in a grid. But that one's a classic, too!
cool, I thought you might like it. It's as relevant today as it was in 1967 (I think that's the year this came out). 😉
An awful lot of 60s-70s Mad (the Golden Age, IMO) is painfully still relevant, because human nature hasn't changed a bit.
No, so many have learned nothing. I can't believe how fast basic rights are disappearing right now. We had these fights and we won and 60 years later we're back at square one.😖
This one (only posting one page):
Oh Excellent Lizard! I hope you don't mind if I keep this gem.😊
Not all. When I'm more conscious, I'll post the rest.
Cool that's a follow for me. Really nice bumping into you Lizard. 😉
I am still really sad how DC outright killed MAD with no really easy to to get the back catalog.
There was a CD-ROM a while back, I think. That's about it. A lot of those "everything on CD" projects died due to a mixture of complex rights and "Hey, if we SELL something, we lose all the money we could make RENTING a smaller part of it!" For Windows 95 and 98! Totally Mad :
Yup I remember when it came out. My parents would not let me buy it back then (I was in high school). If I remember right it was super expensive (it wasn’t the content, the price) It’s crazy because we know they have the scans somewhere on a hard dive. They just need to release it.
I had only seen the "Super Patriot" part of this, without further context Thanks for posting the whole shebang
It's a classic. Mad magazine was it's own unique weird animal.
It's funny how they mock the "American Student" as someone who'll grow out of it, when he's got actual tanks and soldiers in gas masks with guns. Same as it ever was...
Oy, the "Black Militant" and the "Looter." Yikes, I say, Yikes. It reminds me of the time I read Tom Wolfe's "Bonfire of the Vanities" and thought, well he's really good at presenting stereotypes as if they actually exist, as real people.