
This is amazing example of the modern neoliberal university. This idea that complex situations can be solved by the application of online quizzes purchased from a third-party vendor.
It looks to me like the specific process comes out of attempt to apply restorative justice norms to student academic misconduct. For example, a first time plagiarist can go through such a process and have the record expunged.
We’ve spent a decade with conservatives and center-white-wingers saying comparing wokism on campus to the Cultural Revolution so it seems somehow inevitable that we’d end up with actual mandatory self-criticism sessions for left-wing students.
Students arrested at Gould Plaza required to complete ‘dozens of writing assignments,’ faculty group NYU’s Office of Student Conduct is allegedly requiring that some students arrested at the Gaza Solidarity Encampment in Gould Plaza write “reflection papers” and complete “dozens of writing assignment...
And I like the idea of being able to hold a student responsible for academic misconduct while also not destroying their career. But in the Neoliberal university, good ideas get turned into a third-party app that the university can purchase.
I am not an expert in restorative justice, but from reading those who are, it relies on genuine connection across community and within community. It’s not a product to be sold.
And then once you have a tool like this, it becomes easy to apply it to all kinds of complicated situations as a quick fix. That’s just an expense rather than something difficult. Difficult for the institution to be clear. It’s just a cost.
Is it a reasonable solution to try to get a student to complete some online testing and essay writing as a response to academic misconduct? I don’t know, but sure maybe. Is that tool genuinely applicable to students arrested for protesting genocide? I don’t think so.
Yeah, nooo. Corrective learning modules for first-time plagiarists makes sense. Corrective learning modules for protesting genocide is Kafkaesque
When one of the questions is “list some people of character your admire” and “what would they do in this ethical situation” maybe that’s not going to turn out the way the administrators want
Meanwhile, all the student submissions become grist for the language model mills.
It is also questionable whether taking part in a protest is academic misconduct.
Yeah. I was just getting to that!